Your ideas and submissions in the Citizen’s Briefing Book

One of the goals of this Transition has been to engage Americans in the political process while promoting citizenship online.

Our Open Government initiatives have showcased the powerful role that everyday Americans will play in the coming Administration. They’ve been part of a powerful dialogue that will be sustained over the months and years to come.

This is an ongoing process. Now, with the transition into the White House days away, we’re calling on the community to be part of our final project.

Your ideas and your words will be compiled into a Citizen’s Briefing Book and delivered to President Obama after he takes office.

The Citizen’s Briefing Book feature includes robust tools that let you explore a wide variety of submissions intuitively. By rating and commenting on the ideas on the page, your feedback will shape the final content of the Briefing Book. It’s a democratic way to highlight the issues that are the most important to this community and relay their importance directly to the White House.

We hope you’ll take the opportunity to leave your mark on the Citizen’s Briefing Book here.

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GSA Transition Directory

GSA Transition Directory

The Transition Directory was developed to introduce members of the Transition and the incoming Administration to the Federal government resources available to them.