In-House Research In-House Research Request Magnet Time
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An in-house research program flourishes at the Magnet Lab. The program utilizes Magnet Lab facilities to pursue high field research at the forefront of science and engineering, while advancing the lab’s user programs through development of new techniques and equipments.

In addition to the user-program enhancements, in-house research at the Magnet Lab helps set research trends and provides leadership for experimental and theoretical research in magnetic materials and phenomena.

To maximize the potential benefits of the lab’s in-house research, the National Science Foundation provides seed money for 1- to 2-year projects that encourage bold but risky efforts that have the potential to pay off by extending the range and type of experiments possible at the Magnet Lab. The funding also provides initial support for new faculty and research staff, and for collaborations that make the most of complementary expertise.

While our User Collaboration Grants Program gives research awards only to Magnet Lab staff and affiliates, collaborations across boundaries are encouraged, including with external investigators in academia, national laboratories and industry, and between experimental and theoretical scientists.

Please use the links at left to read more about our in-house research.

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