Median Net Worth

Net worth, which is accumulated assets from real estate, stocks, bonds, and other assets minus debts, provides one pillar of retirement income. Financial wealth can provide income such as interest and dividends. Wealth holdings also can be sold to provide money for current spending and unanticipated expenses.

Chart 5a. Median total net worth of people aged 55–64, who report having assets*, in 2004 dollars, by educational attainment, 1994 and 2004
Median total net worth of people aged 55-64, who report having assets, in 2004 dollars, by educational attainment, 1994 and 2004—people’s median net worth of all holdings is sharply higher with higher education levels. Median net worth increased for college graduates but decreased for other education levels.
*Includes only people who report having assets.

Note: Net worth data do not include pension wealth. This excludes private defined-contribution and defined-benefit plans as well as rights to Social Security wealth. Data for 1994 have been inflation adjusted to 2004 dollars.

Source: Health and Retirement Study.

Home equity is a major source of wealth for the aged, but research indicates few aged sell their houses or take reverse mortgages to draw on home equity (Venti and Wise 2001; Fisher et al. 2007). Thus, net worth other than home equity identifies the assets that are most likely to be spent first.

Chart 5b. Median net worth excluding home equity of people aged 55–64, who report having assets*, in 2004 dollars, by educational attainment, 1994 and 2004
Median net worth excluding home equity of people aged 55-64, who report having assets, in 2004 dollars, by educational attainment, 1994 and 2004—median net worth other than home equity is sharply higher with higher education levels. It decreased from 1994 to 2004 for all education groups.
*Includes only people who report having assets.

Note: Net worth data do not include pension wealth. This excludes private defined-contribution and defined-benefit plans as well as rights to Social Security wealth. Data for 1994 have been inflation adjusted to 2004 dollars.
Source: Health and Retirement Study.

Last Modified: 12/31/1600 7:00:00 PM
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