
Federal Agencies, States & Communities Working Together

Community Assistance Grants Program
in Oregon and Washington

2009 Tentatively Selected Grants
To take a look at the 2009 Tentatively Selected Grants, click here.

2008 Tentatively Selected Grants
To take a look at the 2008 Tentatively Selected Grants, click here.


Community Assistance Grants Program

Background PNW National Fire Plan Grants Briefing Paper
Learn How to Apply

Background Information

To print a copy of the Background click here: Background.pdf

Since 2001 in the Pacific Northwest, funds for National Fire Plan (NFP) grant opportunities are administered through a “one-stop-shopping” interagency grant process.  The USDA Forest Service along with the four wildland firefighting agencies within the Department of Interior: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Fish & Wildlife Service, and National Park Service have worked to create this streamlined application process.  This system allows each grant seeker to submit a single proposal and ensures community projects are matched with the most appropriate funding sources.  The end result is collaborative achievement of NFP goals and effective community protection programs in Oregon and Washington. 

The federal multi-agency community assistance program is designed to reduce wildfire threats to communities and to support local economies.  The program, managed by an Interagency Grant Team, pools Forest Service community grant funds and a Department of the Interior Wildland-Urban Interface Community Assistance Program into one application process.  Each program has a different focus, but combined they increase interagency and community coordination and encourage grassroots solutions to reducing wildfire threats.

The following table shows the number of grants received and funded since the program began.  As you can see, this is a competitive program with an average of 30% of the requested funding awarded each year.
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Wildland-Urban Interface Community Assistance Program Overview


Total Interagency Amount Awarded

Total # of Applications

Total Dollars Requested Total # of Grants Funded

% of Requested Dollar Amount Funded


$7 million


$27,572,737 60


2002 $6.4 million 149 $18,431,105 73 35%
2003 $6.5 million 147 $20,249,842 47 32%


$6.5 million


$23,537,952 49


2005 $4.3 million 172 $24,985,100 36 17%
2006 $4.45 million 162 $22,472,973 35 20%
2007 $3.65 million 77 $11,950,220 26 30%
2008* $3.3 million 30 $4,869,807 20 68%

* In 2009, the application process and criteria were revised to reduce the number of incoming applications. This reduction simplified the application process, but is not an accurate reflection of the need for hazard mitigation work and funding.
