Finding a Representative

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     It is not mandatory to have a lawyer or other representative before the Court.  However, the Secretary will defend the decision of the Board and will be represented by an experienced attorney.  In most cases, appellants' interests will be better served if they have qualified representation before the Court.  (Appellants who choose to proceed without a representative are referred to as "un-represented" or "pro se," a Latin term meaning, "for yourself.")

     The Court does not appoint lawyers to represent you; however, the Clerk of the Court has a list of people who have been admitted to practice before the Court and have expressed an interest in representing appellants.  The Court makes no representation regarding the qualifications of these individuals.  Although most of these practitioners charge a fee to represent their clients, some representatives will only collect a fee if the appellant wins the case before the Court or will accept the case without charging a fee.

     Congress, recognizing the difficulties veterans and their dependents face in proceeding in a Court case without a lawyer, has, with the assistance of four veterans service organizations, funded the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program.  The Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program is a private nonprofit organization that helps find lawyers who will represent appellants before the Court free of charge.  Appellants can contact the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program to see if they meet the Pro Bono Program's eligibility requirements for free representation.

     Even if you decide not to hire an attorney, it will be helpful to consult with a lawyer, the Pro Bono Program, a service officer in a veterans service organization, or a state or county veterans affairs office about the viability of your appeal and related procedural matters.  This website includes links to many such organizations.

Chief Judge
William P. Greene, Jr., of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims (USCAVC) welcomes you to the Court's  website.  Please send your suggestions and comments regarding the site to