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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

Mrs. Laura Bush Highlights Malaria Efforts During Africa Trip

Photo of Mrs. Laura Bush visiting a malaria spraying site in Mozal, Mozambique.
  Mrs. Laura Bush visits a malaria spraying site in Mozal, Mozambique. White House photo by Shealah Craighead | View more photos

In June 2007, Rear Adm. Tim Ziemer, U.S. Malaria Coordinator, joined First Lady Laura Bush in Mozambique and Zambia during Mrs. Bush’s four-country visit to Africa. Mrs. Bush handed out bed nets in Senegal, Mozambique and Zambia and donned a white face mask to show the benefits of spraying homes with insecticide to combat malaria. The trip to Africa underscores the First Lady’s intense personal commitment to education, women’s empowerment and health – more specifically HIV/AIDS and malaria. She consistently highlighted the advancements being made in malaria on the continent. The visit also included a surprise visit in Zambia by American Idol finalist Melinda Doolittle, who performed with a local choir. The following photo essay chronicles some of the Mozambique and Zambia visit.

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Photo of Mrs. Laura Bush addressing the Inter-Religious Campaign against Malaria at the Maputo Seminary in Maputo, Mozambique. Photo of Rear Adm. Tim Ziemer, U.S. Malaria Coordinator, and Mrs. Laura Bush at the village of Mozal in Mozambique. Photo of Mrs. Bush walking with a delegation, including Rear Adm. Ziemer, through a malaria spraying site in Mozal, Mozambique. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer and Ms. Jenna Bush listening to Dr. Juliette Morgan.
Photo of Mrs. Laura Bush visiting a malaria spraying site in Mozal, Mozambique. Photo of Mrs. Laura Bush handing out insecticide-treated malaria nets during a visit to a malaria spraying site in Mozal, Mozambique. Photo of students listen to students perform a song at Regiment Basic School in Lusaka, Zambia. Photo of students looking out from a classroom at Regiment Basic School.
Photo of students looking through a window at Regiment Basic School. Photo of Rear Adm. Tim Ziemer watching children demonstrate how the PlayPump works at Regiment Basic School. Photo of Ms. Jenna Bush helping children use the PlayPump at Regiment Basic School as Mrs. Bush watches the children. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer with students at the PlayPump.
Photo of volunteers listening to Mrs. Bush’s remarks. Photo of American Idol finalist Melinda Doolittle singing with a local choir at the Mututa Memorial Center. Photo of Mrs. Laura Bush delivering remarks during her visit to the Mututa Memorial Center in Lusaka, Zambia. Photo of Mrs. Laura Bush assembling a home care kit at the Mututa Memorial in Lusaka, Zambia.
Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer, Melinda Doolittle, and a health leader at the Chipapa Rural Health Center in Zambia. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer signing the registry at the Chipapa Rural Health Center. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer watching as a geocoder collects public health surveillance data. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer listening to village elders during a visit to Kapululwe.
Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer handing out LLINs to a community member. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer distributing two LLINs to a family. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer with F.K. Day, President of World Bicycle Relief (WBC). Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer and Bruce Wilkinson, RAPIDS Chief of Party joining with community caregivers.
Photo of a child holding up an LLIN. Photo of Alford Makayi, a community volunteer, inspecting an LLIN in a hut. Photo of a mother, carrying her child, with two LLINs. Photo of Rear Adm. Ziemer with Alford Makayi preparing to enter a hut.