The FY 2009 Congressional Justification is one
of several documents that fulfill the Department
of Health and Human Services’ (HHS’)
performance planning and reporting requirements.
HHS achieves full compliance with the Government
Performance and Results Act of 1993 and Office
of Management and Budget Circulars A-11 and A-136
through HHS agencies’ FY 2009 Congressional
Justifications and Online Performance Appendices,
the Agency Financial
Report and the HHS
Performance Highlights.
The Performance Highlights briefly summarizes
key past and planned performance and financial
information. The Agency Financial Report provides
fiscal and high-level performance results. The
FY 2009 Department’s Congressional Justifications
fully integrate HHS’ FY 2007 Annual Performance
Report and FY 2009 Annual Performance Plan into
its various volumes. The Congressional Justifications
are supplemented by the Online Performance Appendices.
Where the Justifications focus on key performance
measures and summarize program results, the Appendices
provide performance information that is more detailed
for all HHS measures.
Also see the Online
Performance Appendix for the Health Resources
and Services Administration.
Message from the Administrator
I am pleased to present the FY 2009 Congressional
Justification for the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA). This budget request continues
support for the Administration’s priority
initiatives and reflects the goals and objectives
in the Department’s Strategic Plan.
The FY 2009 budget request supports successful
programs and reduces or eliminates programs that
have failed to demonstrate success or are similar
to other funded activities. The PART process continues
to be a critical tool for evaluating program effectiveness
and developing budget, programmatic, and legislative
The FY 2009 request also continues support for
the President’s goal of placing health centers
in high poverty areas. In FY 2008, the Health
Center Program surpassed the President’s
goal of increasing access to primary health care
in 1,200 communities across the Nation. The President’s
High Poverty Areas goal, which builds on the success
of the Health Centers Initiative, will fund up
to 40 new access point grants in high poverty
areas without a Health Center site.
The justification fully integrates budget and
performance information for each of the HRSA programs.
Additional information on program performance
can be found in the On-line Performance Appendix.
This budget request supports achievement of the
Agency’s seven strategic goals, which are
- Improve
Access to Health Care
- Improve
Health Outcomes
- Improve
the Quality of Health Care
- Eliminate
Health Disparities
- Improve
the Public Health and Health Care Systems
- Enhance
the Ability of the Health Care System to Respond
to Public Health Emergencies
- Achieve
Excellence in Management
goals provide a vision of what we and our partners
need to accomplish. Our performance metrics give
us a consistent and effective way to gauge progress
in achieving these goals and inform our ongoing
efforts toward continued improvement.
Our FY 2009 budget request allows us to sustain
important ongoing initiatives within today’s
challenging budgetary environment.
Elizabeth M. Duke