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Donna J. Gambrell
      Donna J. Gambrell
CDFI Fund Director's Biography

Donna J. Gambrell

Donna J. Gambrell has served as Director of Treasury’s Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund since November 26, 2007. The CDFI Fund expands the capacity of financial institutions to provide credit, capital, and financial services to underserved populations and communities in the United States.

Prior to the CDFI Fund, Gambrell served as a Deputy Director at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). During her tenure, Ms. Gambrell oversaw the FDIC’s national compliance bank examination, community affairs, consumer affairs and deposit insurance outreach programs. To that end, she managed initiatives related to the Community Reinvestment Act and fair lending laws; provided guidance to consumers on current issues such as identity theft, subprime and predatory lending and credit card debt; increased the public’s understanding of and confidence in the banking system; and developed and implemented strategies that provided access to credit for underserved communities.

Previously, at the request of former FDIC Chairman Donald E. Powell, she served 18 months in the Gulf Coast Region (from February 2006 to August 2007) – as part of a temporary assignment – working on rebuilding initiatives in the wake of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, which struck the region in 2005.

Ms. Gambrell worked on site in Louisiana and Mississippi spearheading partnerships among financial institutions, government agencies and community-based organizations to promote community and economic development in areas devastated by the hurricanes, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.

Ms. Gambrell began her career with the FDIC in April 1991 as a Community Affairs Officer in the agency’s New York Region. She served in increasingly responsible compliance and consumer protection positions at the Corporation, and in May 2000 was promoted to Deputy Director.

Prior to joining the FDIC, Ms. Gambrell worked at the Resolution Trust Corporation (1989-1991), the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (1987-1989), and the U.S. General Accounting Office (1979-1987).

Ms. Gambrell received a B.S. Degree from Towson State University, Baltimore, Maryland, and an MS Degree from New York University. In 2004, she received a National Public Service Award for her innovative work over the years in formulating public-private partnerships.

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