Gateway to Rural Health Research
Rural Health
Research Centers program is designed to help policy-makers better
understand the problems that rural communities face in assuring
access to health care and strengthening health of their residents.
The centers work to understand the ways in which
the health of rural Americans can be improved, analyze
the implications of federal and state policy options and communicate
research results to policymakers and others who may take action
based on research results.
The Research
Centers Program, with a yearly budget of about $4 million, is the
only Federal program entirely dedicated to producing policy-relevant
research on health care and population health in rural areas. Each
Research Center has its own identity (although it may be part of
a larger organization), Web site, and core staff. Core staff members
include a disciplinary mix of health services research, epidemiology,
public health, geography, medicine, and mental health. Over the
four-year award cycle, each Research Center develops a portfolio
of three research projects per year in conjunction with input from
the Office and other experts. The next award cycle covers 2008-12.
To strengthen the dissemination of research results of the Research
Centers, the Gateway to Rural Health Research was
launched in early 2007. The Gateway is a website which allows “one
stop shopping” about the Research Centers. The Gateway provides
easy access to the Centers’ rural publications and authors,
as well as summaries of research in progress or completed. The Gateway
Listserv provides e-mail updates when new publications
become available. Through their research and policy analysis, the
Centers bring to the forefront the health care challenges facing
rural America.
Examples of
Health Quality
Developed and field-tested Emergency Department Transfer
Communication Measures for small rural hospitals.
The National Quality Forum (NQF) endorsed the Emergency
Department Transfer Communication Measures for use by all hospitals
as voluntary consensus standards. (UMRHRC)
Analysis of quality measure reporting and pay-for-performance in
rural hospitals.
Impact: Informed the Listening Sessions on Medicare
Hospital Value-based Purchasing and decision making by CMS. (UMRHRC)
Health Information
Roadmap for the Adoption of Health Information Technology in Rural
Findings from this study have been used by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ), the Department of Health and Human
Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
(ASPE) and the Department of Health and Human Services Office of
the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONCHIT)
to channel additional resources to rural areas in order to assist
in the implementation of health information technology. (Walsh)
Medicare Advantage
Plan Enrollment
Policy briefs in 2007 showed rural beneficiaries in types of Medicare
Advantage plans as a percent of all rural beneficiaries, and rural
beneficiaries as a percent of all enrollees in each type of Medicare
Advantage plan.
The data were used during discussions among policy makers of the
costs of the Medicare Advantage program and impacts of changing
federal payment to Medicare Advantage plans. That discussion has
continued into 2008. (RUPRI)
Beneficiary Choice
Research: Analysis of choices available to rural
beneficiaries in the Medicare+Choice program.
Impact: Contributed to the establishment of statewide
regions for PPOs in the Medicare Advantage program. (RUPRI)
Research: Analysis of health workforce shortages
in Community Health Centers.
Impact: Informed a new HRSA workforce development collaborative
linking Community Health Centers, Area Health Education Centers
and training programs. (WWAMI)
Informed a new HRSA workforce development collaborative linking
Community Health Centers, Area Health Education Centers and training
programs. (WWAMI)
For additional information on
this program, contact:
Joan F. Van Nostrand, DPA
Director of Research
Office of Rural Health Policy
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9A-55
Rockville, MD 20857
Phone: (301)443-0835/Fax:443-2803
E-mail: jvan_nostrand@hrsa.gov