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Minerals Revenue Management Home
Department of the Interior Home Page


Gregory Kann

This page last updated:

Michele Fields




Contact Information

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Where to send an MRM FOIA Request:

Please mail your request to:

Gregory K. Kann
MRM FOIA Officer
Minerals Management Service
Minerals Revenue Management
PO Box 25165, Mail Stop 340A1
Denver, CO 80225-0165
Phone: (303) 231-3971
Fax: (303) 445-4288
E-mail: mrmfoia@mms.gov

Please remember to write "FOIA Request" on the envelope or fax cover sheet.

Bureau FOIA Officer:

Ms. Ginny Morgan
Minerals Management Service
381 Elden Street - MS 2200
Herndon, VA 20170-4817
Phone: (703) 787-1689
Fax: (703) 787-1207 or 1922
E-mail: ginny.morgan@mms.gov


MRM FOIA Officer:

Gregory K. Kann
Minerals Management Service
Minerals Revenue Management
P.O. Box 25165, Mail Stop 340A1
Denver, CO 80225-0165
Phone: (303) 231-3971

Fax: (303) 445-4288
E-mail: mrmfoia@mms.gov


FOIA Appeals:
Department of the Interior
     Office of the Solicitor
     Mail Stop 6556
     1849C Street, NW
     Washington, DC 20240
     Attn:  FOIA Appeals Office
     Phone:  (202) 208-5339
     Fax:  (202) 208-6677