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Gregory Kann

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Michele Fields




Freedom of Information Act

The purpose of this site is to provide the public with a one-stop source of information about requesting MRM records under the Freedom of Information Act and its Amendments of 1996.

Initially, it is important to understand that there is no central office in the government which process FOIA requests for all federal agencies. Each department and agency responds to requests for its own records. Therefore, MRM is responsible for responding to FOIA requests for records under its purview only. If you are interested in records that may be located at another agency, you may contact that agency directly. To see  "Other Sources of Information", click on the FOIA tab to the left.

The MRM makes many of its records publicly available and a FOIA request may not be necessary to obtain these records. Take a minute to review the MRM Electronic Reading Rooms FOIA's homepage to see if the information you want is already available.

If you have questions about your MRM FOIA request, call one of the MRM FOIA Contacts.

To save you both time and money, please browse the documents and information sources (on the left) which are currently available before submitting a request for records not otherwise available. You may also wish to browse our recent press releases or speeches by MMS/MRM officials or download MMS’s most recent annual FOIA Report to Congress.