American Women!
A Celebration of Our History
April 22 -- October 29, 2000

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"Remember the ladies," Abigail Adams had admonished her husband when our forefathers wrote the Declaration of Independence. This advice was ignored not only by John Adams but also by many subsequent generations. Now, over 200 years later, we see an encouraging transformation toward equal rights for women and a new curiosity about women's history.

A fascinating array of female personalities have shaped our American experience,106 of whom are featured in our exhibit. Our opening gallery showcases unforgettable women who represent many qualities worthy of our appreciation. Then journey through time as women's struggles and progress from colonial times to the present are told through historical narratives and short biographies.

Both famous and infamous women are featured in this exhibit, and their individual stories may inspire admiration or even dismay! Just remember one thing:

Never underestimate the power of American Women!

Follow the links below to continue the tour.

View the stories of 11 Unforgettable American Women!
"red arrow" Begin a virtual tour of the entire exhibit or choose a time period from the exhibit:
  From Colony to Country, 1600-1800 From Jazz to War, 1920-1950
  From Growth to Civil War, 1800-1870 From Fifties to Feminism, 1950-1990
  From Prairie to Polls, 1870-1920 Into the 21st Century, 1990 onward
"red arrow" View an alphabetical list of all 106 women included in American Women! with links to photos and biographies for selected women
"red arrow" View a Thank You to over 100 lenders to Ameican Women!

The Herbert Hoover Presidential Library-Museum's
temporary exhibits are funded by
The Roy J. Carver Trust, William B. Quarton and
the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association

"black arrow" Return to Hoover Library-Museum virtual exhibits page
"black arrow" Return to Hoover Library-Museum main index page
A videotape of the entire exhibit "American Women" is also availible free of charge.
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