Connecting afterschool providers to Federal resources that support children and youth during out-of-school hours.

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Interagency Executive Oversight Committee

This Website is Sponsered by HHS

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Administration for Children and Families

This          Website is Sponsered by the Child Care Bureau.Child Care Bureau

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Non U.S. Government website indication icon. Links marked with this globe icon denote federally sponsored information on non-government web sites.

Helping Children To Cope With Disaster

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)

The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative multi-state effort by Cooperative Extension Services across the country to improve the delivery of services to citizens affected by disasters. The website provides information and resources on disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery to help guide programming efforts and reduce the impact of disasters.

FEMA For Kids

The Federal Emergency Management Agency operates this website, which provides resources for children coping with disaster. It also suggests activities, curriculum and safety management information that teachers or other adults can use when working with children affected by disasters.

Helping Children And Adolescents Cope With Violence And Disasters

This fact sheet, developed by the National Institute of Mental Health, explains what is known about the impact of violence and disasters on children and adolescents and suggests steps to minimize long-term emotional harm.

Helping Children Cope With Disaster

The Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Red Cross have developed this fact sheet to help parents and other caregivers learn about children?s common physical and emotional responses to trauma at different ages.

Managing Anxiety In Times Of Crisis

This site, sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, includes several resources for adults working with children affected by a crisis. Resources include tips for talking to children about trauma and a guide for helping teenagers address trauma.

National Child Traumatic Stress CenterThis is a link to a non-governmental website. is not responsible for its content.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Center provides resources for caregivers and school personnel working with children who have experienced natural disasters and other types of trauma.

Last Modified $Date: 2008/12/31 10:35:25 $