MRM Royalty-In-Kind Program

The RIK Strategy

RIK is one of two strategies used by MRM to manage the Nation’s substantial oil and gas mineral royalty assets.  Federal oil and gas leasing laws and lease terms provide the Government with the option of receiving production royalty payments either in value (RIV) or in kind.  In certain circumstances, it is to the advantage of the Government to receive its royalty payments in kind; that is, in the form of oil or gas production.  MRM’s RIK Program provides the capability both to identify opportunities for using the RIK strategy and to manage the sale and disposition of oil and gas royalties received in kind.  Every aspect of MRM’s RIK Program is governed by strong internal controls and a formal risk management policy modeled after commercial oil and gas industry best practices.  MRM’s commodity sales activity uses commercially-based sales contracts, delivery options, pricing methods, and sales terms to attract a diverse pool of successful oil and gas purchasers.   

The MRM offers RIK production for sale in the open marketplace, allowing any company that has met
prequalification requirements
to participate.  MRM also issues sales awards on a competitive basis, yielding the highest benefits obtainable.  MRM’s portfolio of counterparties includes major producers, independent producers, refiners, utilities, industrial end-users, distributors, mid-stream marketers, and financial institutions.  MRM also has a Small Refiner Program to aid eligible small refiners in accessing crude oil supplies.  Today, the RIK Program has earned a reputation for being a reliable business partner and a dependable supply source for natural gas and crude oil.

Utilizing the RIK Strategy

The RIK option is used in those cases where thorough economic analysis indicates that cost or revenue advantages can be realized over the RIV option.  Currently, the core production areas for RIK are offshore in the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific, and onshore in Wyoming.  MRM continuously evaluates other Federal lease production areas to complement the RIK Program. It has partnerships with the States of Wyoming, Louisiana, Texas and Alabama for the common goal of benefiting from the RIK concept.

Benefits of the RIK Strategy

MRM continually evaluates the RIK Program using a sophisticated performance measurement process.  MMS has confirmed that the RIK strategy yields benefits in two principal ways.  First, the strategy provides the opportunity to increase revenue receipts to the Nation.  This is accomplished through receipt of market price premiums, lowered costs for commodity transportation and processing, and earlier receipt of revenues.  Second, the strategy reduces administrative costs to the Government and the industry.  This is achieved through reduced reporting requirements, increased certainty to producers and the government that royalty obligations are fulfilled, decreased conflict, and a shortened business cycle.  Through the use of the RIK strategy, the MRM increased FY 2005 revenue receipts by more than $30 million and reduced administrative costs by nearly 50 percent.  The RIK strategy has also proved advantageous to the Government in recent years by providing a source of crude oil for the filling of the Nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve. The MRM also publishes an annual report to Congress, detailing the yearly performance of the RIK program.

The RIK Strategy for the Future

The MRM will continue to use the RIK strategy in tandem with its RIV strategy to maximize revenue receipts to the Nation and minimize administrative costs.  In 2004, the MMS published a Five Year RIK Business Plan to guide the future direction of the RIK strategy.  Under the Plan, the RIK Program is moving forward to expand its natural gas and crude oil RIK portfolios, optimize market strategies, and respond to the needs of America’s energy future.