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Region I

Serving CT, MA, ME, NH, RI, VT

FEMA Responds to New England Ice Storm

Regional Adminstrator Art Cleaves and New Hampshire Congressman Paul Hodes Survey Generators delivered to the Logistics Staging Site in Portsmouth

The Federal Emergency Management Agency is working closely with the New England states affected by the recent ice storm that struck much of the Northeast. Already, President Bush has issued emergency declarations for New Hampshire, Maine and Massachusetts. Today, Regional Administrator Art Cleaves and Congressman Paul Hodes of New Hampshire visited the New England logistics staging site in Portsmouth, N.H.(More Info)

Be Prepared for Severe Winter Weather

snowplow clearing city streets

The leaves have fallen and the days are shorter, winter is in our midst.  Now is the time to make those crucial preparations to ensure that you are ready when a winter storm hits. (More Info)

Region I Welcomes Delegation from Ireland and Northern Ireland

Administrator Art Cleaves receives gift from BC Irish Institute delegation

Region I welcomed a delegation of emergency management officials from Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Nov. 5 visit included a short tour of the Region I facility in Boston and an overview of FEMA presented by the Region I staff. The event was coordinated by the Boston College Irish Institute.(More Info)

Region I Unveils STEP: Student Tools for Emergency Planning

STEP logo

The Student Tools for Emergency Planning (STEP) program is an education project aimed at teaching students basic emergency preparedness skills. With the support of emergency management agencies from all six New England states, STEP launched its pilot program in 36 schools in September 2008. (More Info)

Stay Alert New England

screen shot of Region I situational awareness page

FEMA Region I features a web page that puts real-time hazard threat information right at the fingertips of New England residents.  Get up-to-date information on storm threats, river levels and flood potential - even weather related road closures.  The Situational Awareness report will give you important information to help prepare you and your family for an impending threat.  (More Info)

What We Do

From its offices in Boston, FEMA's Region I works in partnership with the emergency management agencies of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters. Region I's most common challenges are hurricanes and other storms that can cause flooding and flash-flooding throughout the region, and severe winter weather.

Who We Are

Boston, Mass. - FEMA's Region I office serves the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. FEMA/Brian Hvinden

Region I Contact Information
State Offices and Agencies of Emergency Management

Last Modified: Monday, 15-Dec-2008 18:05:00 EST