Health Outreach grants support service delivery through
collaboration. Each grantee forms a consortium with at least two partners.
Development grants support the development of networks of at least three health care organizations that integrate systems of care administratively, clinically, financially and technologically.
Development Planning one-year grants
support planning to develop and operationalize health care networks.
Rural Access to Emergency
Devices grants assist rural
communities to purchase automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
and provide training in their use and maintenance.
Rural Hospital Improvement grants assist
small rural hospitals to pay for costs related to the implementation of PPS, comply with provisions of HIPAA and reduce medical errors and support quality improvement.
Health Care Provider Quality Improvement grants
assist rural providers with the implementation of quality improvement strategies, while improving patient care and chronic disease outcomes.
Black Lung Clinics grants support
public and private nonprofit entities in the operation of clinics that provide diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of active and retired coal miners with respiratory and pulmonary impairments.
Exposure Screening and Education grants support health care providers in the operation of clinics that educate, screen, diagnose and treat people affected by the mining, transport and processing of
uranium and the testing of nuclear weapons for the Nation's weapons
Grant Programs for States
FLEX Critical Access Hospitals Health Information Technology
Network grants support the
development of pilot programs in States that create networks to develop and implement Health Information Technology systems, such as practice management, disease registry, care management, clinical messaging, personal health record, electronic health records and health information exchange systems.
State Offices
of Rural Health grants
assist States in strengthening rural health care delivery systems by maintaining a focal point for rural health
Rural Hospital Flexibility grants
are awarded to States to help them develop and implement Rural Health Plans with broad collaboration; stabilize rural hospitals by helping them consider, plan for and obtain designation as Critical Access Hospitals; assist Critical Access Hospitals, other providers, and communities as they develop networks of care; improve and integrate emergency medical services; and improve quality of care.