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* Press Release 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001
 Oct. 30, 2008 HHS Lauds Hospitals With Highest Organ Donation Rates
 Oct. 23, 2008 HRSA Awards Contract to Study Adverse Events in Childhood Vaccines
 Oct. 10, 2008 HRSA Senior Advisor Wins 2008 Presidential Rank Award
 Oct. 10, 2008 HRSA Awards $18.9 Million to Expand Use of Health Information Technology at Health Centers
 Oct. 10, 2008 HRSA Awards Nearly $1 Million to Identify and Prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders
 Oct. 03, 2008 HRSA Awards $6.3 Million to Launch New Parents Initiative, 'Doulas' Training
* Oct. 02, 2008 HRSA Awards $2.4 Million for Patient Navigator Demonstration
* Sep. 24, 2008 HRSA Awards $12.5 Million to Strengthen Health Care for Native Hawaiians
* Sep. 17, 2008 HRSA Awards $14 Million to Help Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders
* Sep. 16, 2008 HRSA Awards $3.2 Million to Boost Organ Donation
* Sep. 15, 2008 HRSA Awards $750,000 to Create Health Workforce Information Center
* Sep. 11, 2008 HRSA Awards $1.5 Million to Raise Cancer Awareness in Nuclear Test Areas, Among Uranium Miners
* Sep. 11, 2008 HRSA Awards $2.7 Million to States to Increase Access to Oral Health Care
* Sep. 11, 2008 HRSA Awards $5.8 Million for Dental Care, Other Services for People Living With HIV/AIDS
* Sep. 05, 2008 HRSA Announces $39 Million in Grants to Expand, Improve Health Center Services
* Aug. 27, 2008 Report Finds Majority of Ryan White Program Clients Are From Minority Communities
* Aug. 26, 2008 Outstanding HIV/AIDS Health Care Providers Honored at HRSA Conference
* Aug. 13, 2008 HRSA Grants Support Education of Maternal and Child Health Grad Students
* Aug. 08, 2008 HRSA Awards $22 Million in New Health Center Grants
* Aug. 01, 2008 HRSA Awards $12 Million to Support Nursing Faculty and Increase Diversity in the Nursing Workforce
* Jul. 07, 2008 HRSA Awards $7.2 Million to State Offices of Rural Health
* Jul. 02, 2008 HRSA Awards $4.9 Million for Hemophilia Treatment
* Jun. 30, 2008 New HRSA Report Illustrates Success of Health Centers
* May 19, 2008 New Members Are Named to Migrant Health Council
* May 09, 2008 Healthy Start Evaluation Reports Success in Retaining Mothers in Care After Giving Birth
* May 08, 2008 HRSA Outreach Seeks to Raise Cancer Awareness Among People Who Lived Near Nuclear Sites or Mined Uranium
* Apr. 21, 2008 HHS Extends Comment Period on Proposed MUP/HPSA Rule
* Apr. 04, 2008 HHS Awards $1.1 Billion for HIV/AIDS Care, Medications
* Apr. 03, 2008 HRSA Awards $12 Million in Grants for Maternal and Child Health Services and Research
* Mar. 13, 2008 HRSA Launches Digital Campaign to Promote Poison Awareness and Prevention | En Español
* Mar. 11, 2008 HHS Awards $550 Million for HIV/AIDS Care, Services
  Mar. 11, 2008 Media Advisory: Launch of Poison Help Campaign and Kick Off of National Poison Prevention Week
* Mar. 03, 2008 Statement by the Health Resources and Services Administration on Autism and the Vaccine Injury Program
* Feb. 29, 2008 HRSA Proposes Rule to Revise, Combine HPSAs, MUPs
* Feb. 28, 2008 High Numbers of Children With Special Needs Have Health Insurance, Regular Caregivers, HRSA Survey Finds
* Feb. 05, 2008 President's FY 2009 Budget Proposal for HRSA Continues March to Expand Health Center Network, Access to Life-Saving Drugs for People With HIV/AIDS
Jan. 17, 2008 HHS Announces New Advisory Council on Blood Stem Cell Transplantation

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