The Sixties: The Times They Are a-Changin'

The Sixties: The Times They Are a-Changin'
Online Exhibit

The Sixties Exhibit

The 1960s - few other decades in American history have witnessed such staggering changes. In this exhibit we turned the spotlight on two momentous years - 1963 and 1968 - and the contrast described two different countries altogether. Political and social turmoil was reflected in law, education, music, literature, the arts, entertainment, and fashion. Decades later, America is still sorting out the consequences.


Tales of Camelot
The Cold War Warms Up
Racing To The Moon
Civil Rights On The March
Teen Angels
The Swinging Sixties
Sun 'n' Surf Meets London Turf
The Awakening of America
Camelot Finale


Photo of The Sixties exhibit

Something's Happenin' Here
Vietnam : A Young Man's Hell
Black Power
Rat Race Refugees
Talkin' 'Bout My Generation
Establishment Up Against the Ivied Wall
The Nixon Era Begins
To the Moon
The Legacy

Photo of The Sixties exhibit


America Becomes a TV Nation

Professional Sports Capture America

This exhibit was on display at the Herbert Hoover Presidential Museum in West Branch, Iowa from April 22, 2006 - October 29, 2006.

Thank you
The Roy J. Carver Trust
William B. Quarton
Herbert Hoover Foundation of Iowa
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library Association
A special thank you to all the lenders for this exhibit.

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