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01/13/2009 : Command Provides Ambulances for Afghan Police Medics  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan. 13, 2009 - Sick and injured Afghans will get treatment faster thanks to a coalition command’s donation of ambulances.
01/12/2009 : New Combat Outpost Sees Quick Progress in Southern Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Jan. 12, 2009 - U.S. soldiers are seeing positive results from their increased presence at the newly built Combat Outpost Terminator in the Maywand district of Afghanistan’s Kandahar province.
01/11/2009 : Joint Forces Target Foreign Fighters in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11, 2009 - Afghan and coalition forces detained eight suspected militants, including two wanted men, during operations in Afghanistan’s Khost and Kandahar provinces Jan. 9, U.S. military officials in Afghanistan reported.
01/09/2009 : Coalition Targets Bomb Networks in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 2009 - Coalition forces killed 37 armed militants and captured four others in operations targeting bomb networks in Zabol and Laghman provinces in recent days.
01/09/2009 : Afghan Media Gain Insight Into Air Force Mission  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Jan. 9, 2009 - Afghan journalists are ganining a better understanding of coalition operations, including close-air support, through coordinated "media days."
01/08/2009 : Forces Target Bomb Networks, Capture Five Militants in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8, 2009 - Afghan and coalition forces detained five suspected militants during operations to disrupt the Haqqani and Taliban terrorist networks in Afghanistan’s Khowst and Kandahar provinces.
01/07/2009 : Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Militants, Disrupt Bomb Networks      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 7, 2009 - Coalition forces and Afghan commandos killed 38 militants and seized multiple weapons caches during operations to disrupt bomb networks in Afghanistan.
01/06/2009 : U.S. Troops Train Afghan Security Guards  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Jan. 6, 2009 - U.S. soldiers are training new Afghan security guards to boost their effectiveness at traffic checkpoints.
01/06/2009 : Forces Target Bomb Networks in Afghanistan      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan. 6, 2009 - Afghan National Police and coalition forces seized four suspected militants in Afghanistan’s Khowst and Zabol provinces.
01/05/2009 : U.S. Soldiers, Afghan Police Boost Security in Nangarhar Province  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Jan. 5, 2009 - U.S. soldiers are teaming up with Afghan National Police to bring security to a key area of eastern Afghanistan by reaching out to residents and coordinating with leaders about their needs.
01/02/2009 : Coalition, Afghan Troops Kill Militants, Capture Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2, 2009 - Afghan and coalition forces killed numerous enemy fighters, captured terrorism suspects and repelled two attacks against bases in recent days, military officials reported.
01/02/2009 : Afghan, Coalition Leaders Unveil Bridge With Hopes of Prosperity  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Jan. 2, 2009 - Afghan leaders and coalition members celebrated the opening of a bridge in Uruzgon province that promises residents a vibrant new connection to surrounding communities.
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