Information Technology Services

Hosting Add-ons

We Are Your Host

ARC offers a secure, managed hosting environment that spans multiple architectures and technologies. We offer 3 Tiers of hosting services from basic "footprint, power, pipe and ping," to highly customized managed offerings.

Services can be provided for production systems, contingency/Disaster Recovery for your primary systems (hosted on our servers or yours), and development/test regions. The reliability and performance of production systems hosted by ARC can be enhanced through the engineering and deployment of load-balanced, high availability solutions.

Our hosting services include multiple platform support options, including patch and vulnerability management, virus protection, monitoring, systems administration, and 24-hour access to our friendly, helpful Service Desk.

Depending on your needs, Hosting may often require the inclusion of other services, including:

  • Vulnerability Testing and Assessment
  • Certification & Accreditation

Storage Area Network (SAN) storage and backups of the data residing on the SAN can be provided, priced according to your data volume and backup schedule. Backup of local storage is available at Tiers 1 and above.

Talk to us today and we will help you determine your Hosting Level needs.

Hosting Levels

Tier 1

Tier 1 hosting provides hardware and operating system (OS) support, giving you access to a supported platform (including storage and processor time) on which to deploy other systems.

This support includes monitoring, patching, backups, and troubleshooting up to the OS layer. (You would be responsible for middleware installation and configuration, application installation and configuration, operations, troubleshooting and monitoring.)

Tier 1 platform choices are dictated by Public Debt's standards: business requirements that dictate deviations from these platforms will be treated as Tier 3.

Tier 2

Tier 2 hosting provides standardized COTS/GOTS solutions on Tier 1 platforms. Tier 2 includes monitoring, patching, integration, backups and troubleshooting up to and including the application layer.

Typical Tier 2 services include:

  • Multiple solutions for web and n-tier application hosting, including mainframe, Unix, Linux, and Windows based database and application servers.
  • Support for hosting, operations, and administration of PKI and/or directory services. PKI Services may be provisioned through shared or dedicated infrastructure, depending upon business requirements.

Tier 3

Tier 3 hosting is any customized solution that deviates from Public Debt's standards. This may include hosting of non-standard platforms, integration of custom application code, or non-standard deployments of COTS solutions. Also, any requirements that exceed Public Debt's standard Service Level Objectives must be addressed via a Tier 3 solution.

Service Availability

All Hosting Services target 24/7/365 availability, except during scheduled maintenance windows.

Key Metrics

  • Percent availability
  • Transaction response time
  • Incident/request response time
  • Incident/request resolution time
  • Customer satisfaction

Major Cost Drivers

  • Project complexity
  • Project schedule
  • Performance requirements
  • Storage and bandwidth requirements

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Contact an Account Rep Now!

Michelle L. Yanok
Franchise Services Director