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Targeted Rural Health Research Grant Program

The Targeted Rural Health Research Grant Program provides grants to conduct and disseminate policy-relevant research on issues of national significance in the area of rural health services. Grant recipients examine critical issues facing rural communities in their quest to secure adequate, affordable, high quality health services in areas of rural health where such research is limited. Policy-oriented research is useful because it informs policy-makers on State, local and nation levels concerned with rural health issues; and it enhances knowledge about rural health and rural health services. Research findings have been instrumental in bridging gaps between policy and program needs.

The 2008 program guidance was released February 1, 2008 with an application due date of April 2, 2008. FY2008 funding period will be September 1, 2008 through February 28, 2010.

Eligibility is open to any public, private, and non-profit organization, including faith-based and community organizations. Please note: HRSA now requires applicants for this funding opportunity to apply electronically through Grants.gov.

FY08 18 Month Research Grantees

  1. Grantee: Critical Illness & Trauma Foundation, Inc
    Contact:Nels D Sanddal nsanddal@citmt.org
    Project Title: "Organizational Impact of the Deployment of Amubulance Quality Feedback Systems (QFS) on Rural Volunteer EMS Agencies."

  2. Grantee:University of Central Florida
    Contact: Thomas Wan twan@mail.ucf.edu
    Project Title: "Rural Health Clinics: Measuring Efficiency & Effectiveness"

FY07 One-Year Research Grantees

  1. Grantee: University of Pittsburgh
    Contact: Paul Daniel Patterson: pattersond@upmc.edu
    Project Title: Turnover Costs in Rural Emergency Medical Services
  2. Grantee: The Research Foundation of SUNY on behalf of Univ at Buffalo
    Contact: Ranjit Singh: rs10@buffalo.edu
    Project Title: Targeted Rural Health Primary Care Research in HIT Adoption and Scope of Use

FY06 One-Year Research Grantees

  1. Grantee: St. Louis University, School of Public Health
    Contact: Santosh Krishna: krishnas@stu.edu
    Project Title: Diabetes and Obesity: Is there a Rural-Urban Difference in the Burden?
  2. Grantee: Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.
    Contact: Terri Tobin: ttobin@ahpnet.com
    Project Title: Preventive Care: Supports and Barriers to Best Practices for a National Sample of Rural Medicare Beneficiaries
  3. Grantee: Montana State University, College of Nursing
    Contact: Charlene Winters: winters@montana.edu
    Project Title: Descriptive Analysis of the Health Status of a National Asbestos-Related Cohort

For additional information on this program, contact:

Erica Molliver, Public Health Analyst
Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
(301) 443-1520


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