
Poisoning is a public health problem. It does not just happen to children. It can happen to anyone, at any time and in any place. A poison is anything that can harm someone if it is (1) used in the wrong way, (2) used by the wrong person, or (3) used in the wrong amount. Poisons may harm you when they get in the eyes or on the skin. Other poisons may harm you if you breathe them in or swallow them. Poisoning is much more common than most people think.
Take a look at these statistics*:
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Each year, more than 2 million possible poisonings are reported to the nation’s poison centers.
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On average, poison centers handle 1 possible poisoning every
13 seconds.
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More than 70 percent of all poison deaths occur in adults ages
20 to 59.
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Older adults are more likely than others to die from poisonings. These adults account for 5 percent of possible poisonings but for 16 percent of the deaths.
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51 percent of possible poisonings involve children under age 6.
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93 percent of possible poisonings happen at home. |
*Source: American Association of Poison Control Centers
People live with poisons every day. In fact, many of the products in our homes and garages are poisons. Many poisons exist in nature too. The Poison Help website teaches people about these poisons, poison safety and prevention and when to contact a poison center.
The Poison Help website provides resources for people, health professionals, and organizations. Poison Help resources can be used to help with poison prevention activities. If you are involved in such work, we hope you will find this site helpful. For more information and opportunities for conducting outreach, contact your regional Poison Center or contact us.
The Poison Help number, 1-800-222-1222, will connect you to the poison center serving your region.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) funds the Poison Help number (1-800-222-1222), Poison Help website and campaign.