EOR Edit Contact Page Help

This page allows the user to edit or view the contact information of a selected contact of the EOR. If editing information, the operator enters or changes data for the EOR contact.


Name – prefix:      AAAA
The contact person’s name prefix (e.g., Mr., Ms., Mrs., Miss., Sir., Dr., etc.).

Name – first:         A(30)
The contact person’s first name.

Name – m.i.:         A
The contact person’s middle initial (first letter of middle name).

Name – last:        A(30)
The contact person’s last name (legal family name, madden name, or taken married name).

Name – suffix:     AAAA
The contact person’s name suffix (e.g., Jr., I, II, III, Sr., PE., etc.).

You must select from the drop down list. The contact person’s associated company of business, officially recognized by MMS, in the interest of the context of this document application.

Phone Number:      A(13)
The contact person’s phone number used as a contact source for the context of this document application.

E-mail Address:     A(80)
The contact person’s Internet E-mail address used as a contact source for the context of this document application.

NOTE: A Phone Number or an E-mail Address (or Both) must be provided with each contact.

Contact Description:     A(500)
A description of or comments pertaining to the contact person’s role, responsibilities, or otherwise need for which to be contacted, having an appropriate interest to the context of this document application.


Save Contact – Saves the edited contact information and returns to the EOR Contacts Information page.

Cancel Changes – Disregards any changes made to this contact and returns to the EOR Contacts Information page.