[NOAA LOGO] U.S. Dept of Commerce / NOAA / OAR / ERL / PMEL / EPIC [EPIC ICON]

MEXEPS is an interface between EPIC System and MATLAB

  Matlab Syntax:

    [out1, out2, ...] = mexeps('OPERATION', in1, in2, ...)

  The input argument OPERATION is a none-case-sensitive 
  string, but must be one of these described in this manual.
  This string is the key to indicate the kind of operation
  you want mexeps function to perform. For complete description 
  for each OPERATION, type 

     help OPERATION

  where OPERATION is the string listed below (except 'close', 
  you must type 'help epsclose' to get help). 
EPS File Manipulation routines:

  ---------  --------------------------------------------------
  openr      open file for reading
  openw      open file for writing
  opene      open file for editing
  setnextr   load next data file for reading
  setnextw   load next data file for writing
  close      close data file (* type "help epsclose" for detail)
  ---------  --------------------------------------------------

Variable routines:

  ---------  --------------------------------------------------
  varlist    get variable list 
  varshape   get variable shape
  inqcode    get variable info from epic.key file
  inqvar     get variable info from current data file
  getvar     get variable value into vector
  getslice   get data slice into a matrix
  setvar     set variable info 
  putvar     write variable value to data file
  ---------  --------------------------------------------------

Axis routines:
  ---------  --------------------------------------------------
  inqaxis    inquire axis info from data file
  getaxis    get spacial axis value
  gettaxis   get time axis value
  putaxis    write spacial axis value to data file
  puttaxis   write time axis value to data file
  copygrid   copy grid (axes) of one var to that of another var
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Attribute routines:

  ---------  --------------------------------------------------
  getattnum  get global attribute number
  attname    get global attribute name
  getattval  get global attribute value
  putattval  put global attribute to data file
  delatt     delete global attribute from file
  putvarattval  put variable attribute to data file
  putaxattval   put axis attribute to data file
  ---------  --------------------------------------------------

Time Manipulation routines:

  ---------  --------------------------------------------------
  totarray   convert eps time to time array (YYMMDdhhmmss.fff)
  totarray19 convert eps time to time array (YYYYMMDDhhmmss.fff)
  array19tot convert time array (YYYYMMDDhhmmss.fff) to eps time
  totstr     convert eps time to time string
  ---------  --------------------------------------------------