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Comprehensive System of Personnel Development Catalog  (pdf 11.6 MB)
This catalog brings together information designed to help the State Office of Education and local education agencies plan and implement personnel development that leads to improved outcomes for students with disabilities.

English Language Learner with Disabilities
(information to come)

Estimator Disk
An Aptitude/Achievement Discrepancy Calculation Software to assist in making learning isabilities qualification decisions.

Extended Core Curriculum
(information to come)

IDEA 2004 PowerPoint Presentations
A set of Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 presentations and Word 2003 documents developed by USOE Special Education and UPDC staff members to assist LEA or other agency personnel in training teachers, administrator, parents, and other stakeholders with an interest in students with disabilities. These contain information aligned with the current IDEA 2004 statute and state special education rules and regulations.


State Personnel Development Grant Network
An one-stop connection to resources about the OSEP funded State Improvement Grants (SIG) and State Personnel Development Grants (SPDG).

Tier Instruction
     Utah's 3-Tier Model of Reading Instruction

Transition Wheel, 9/29/2008
     Road Map to Success PowerPoint Presentation     MS PowerPoint 2003     pdf
     Sample Activities     MS Word 2003     pdf

Transition (Post-Secondary)
Materials presented at November 2008 Round Tables


USOE Core Curriculum
Provides all core area standards for grades K-12.

Utah Augmentative Alternative Assistive Communication and Technology (UAAACT) Teams. The UAAACT Teams serve as a resource for assessment and development of communication and technology systems for students who are nonspeaking or severely limited in their quality of speech or written language. UAAACT teams have been established for the purpose of assessing student communication needs and for providing consultation to IEP (Individualized Education Plan) teams for ongoing programming. They do not provide direct services or therapy.

Utah Education Network (UEN)
A network developed through a partnership with the Utah State Office of Education and Utah State Office of Higher Education. This website provides resources for teachers and students grades K-12. It also provides information about the institutions of higher learning in Utah.

Utah Personnel Development Center (UPDC)
The UPDC is a staff development project sponsored by the Utah Comprehensive System for Personnel Development (CSPD) consortium for Special Education, which responds to statewide personnel development needs as identified by the Utah Special Education Consortium for students with disabilities.

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