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What's going on where you live?

Does your school or school district have a system for reporting bullying - like drop boxes where you can leave a note when you see someone being bullied? Or, has a group of parents in your town joined together to make sure they know how to talk to their kids about bullying? Maybe your youth group has found a great way to support kids who have been, or are being, bullied ... If so, tell us about it!

The Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bullying Now! Campaign was created by kids for kids ... and we need your help to make it work. We want to know what groups across the country are doing to help stop bullying. And we want to work with them to help them make a difference.

We will have a story about a school or organization right here on our website. It could be one from your hometown!

So if there is a program where you live that you think we should know about, click here to help make them one of our partners.