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Meet our youth expert panel

Sure, there are plenty of adults who say they remember what it was like to be bullied, but thousands of young people still have to deal with it every day! For that reason, and many others, the team of adults who helped to develop this campaign worked very closely with members of a Youth Expert Panel made up of 9 through 13-year-olds who made sure the campaign reflected the "real life" impact of bullying in middle school and beyond. The Panel also included a few older teenagers, who gave great advice on how to get older teenagers to lend a hand to young people who are bullied.

Members of the Youth Expert Panel come from several states across the U.S. Some live in big cities or suburbs, others in small towns. Some have bullied, some have been bullied, and all have determined that the best way to stop bullying is to take a stand against it! Panel members helped create this campaign by:
  • Sharing personal stories of how bullying has affected their lives and the lives of their friends
  • Naming the Campaign, and helping us understand how to discuss bullying and bullying prevention in a way that would make sense to young people
  • Recommending ways for adults to take a stand against bullying (without making it worse!)
  • Giving advice on the characters and the storylines in the Take A Stand. Lend A Hand. Stop Bullying Now! webisodes
Click here to find out more about each member of the Youth Expert Panel!