Application for Permit to Drill/Sidetrack/Bypass Help

The purpose of an APD/AST/ABP form is for the applicant to provide to the appropriate MMS District office sufficient data to uniquely identify a wellbore that is to be drilled on Federal lands in the OCS under an approved exploration or development and production plan.

Types of Drilling Permits
Available for selection on the Main Menu eWell has three original types of drilling permits along with an individual revised permit for each in case modifications are made to the original permit. These are:

and their revised permit counterparts,

Basically, each original type of drilling permit is essentially the same in form content, with slight variations included to accommodate a sidetrack or bypass. These variations will be pointed out in subsequent pages. Revisions (RPDs, RSTs, and RBPs) are copies of the original permit. They provide the operator with the ability to document all changes in a preceding memo field and to revise the original data by making the proper modifications within the application. For example, the operator submits an original drilling permit (APD). After receiving approval on the permit, a modification can be made by submitting a revised permit for a new well (RPD). These documents can be further revised by submitting additional revised permits.

For example, the operator submits an original drilling permit (APD).  After receiving approval on this original permit, a modification can be made to this permit by submitting a revised permit for a new well (RPD). 

Who Must File
Any operator of a lease or unit on the Federal OCS who proposes to drill a well for the purposes of exploration for, or development of, oil, gas or sulphur resources, whether such well is located on or off such lands.

When To File
The APD form is filed only to permit the initial drilling of a well. An APD form is submitted with, or subsequent to, an exploration or development and production plan which describes the number and pattern of individual wells necessary or desirable to fully explore or develop, as appropriate, the leased or unitized lands.

The AST form is filed only to permit a Sidetrack on an existing wellbore. This permit would warrant a change in bottom hole location from the preceding wellbore.

The ABP form is filed only to permit a Bypass on an existing wellbore. This permit would warrant NO change in bottom hole location from the preceding wellbore.

   APD Help
Selection Pages
  • Permit Selection List
  • Borehole List (Sidetrack And Bypass)
  • Choose New Well Identification Page
  • Available Plan Well Bottom Lease Sites Page
  • Informational Pages
  • Summary Page
  • General Well Information Page
  • Significant Markers Page
  • Select Rig Page
  • Rig Information Page
  • Well Design Information Page
  • Interval Information - Edit An Interval Page
  • Interval Information - Edit Interval Section Page
  • Available Permits For Casings Page
  • Questions Page
  • Permit Attachments Page
  • Contacts Information Page
  • Edit A Contact Page
  • Status History Page