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ArrowMag Lab Reports

Mag Lab Reports is the lab's primary publication. Coming out five times a year, the mostly scientific publication features news and information about the lab's users programs and facilities, and highlights groundbreaking research from various disciplines.

Latest Issue: Volume 15 - Issue 4

This issue gives readers a preview of the possibilities the coming year holds with updates on the Free Electron Laser, split coil magnet and Series Connected Hybrid projects, as well as a look at plans for a revamped an re-energized Electron Magnetic Resonance user program. Featured science stories include quantum oscillation measurements in the new oxypnictides and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging at 21 tesla.

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To view previous issues, go to the Archives section.

Fill out our subscription form to receive free print or electronic versions of Mag Lab Reports.

For more information, e-mail editor Amy Mast,

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