From the Archivist to You

From the Archivist to You

The National Archives is an exciting place to visit and to work. Our mission is critical to democracy, not only in the United States but throughout the world. You may explore links from this page to learn how the National Archives is making a difference. Please visit us again and often.

Allen Weinstein
Archivist of the United States

Weinstein's Words: Artcicles and Spoken Words of the Archivist

Link to the Real Player version of the Archivist's message about updating our 10-year Strategic Plan

Videocast and transcription of remarks made by Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein regarding the extent of flooding at the National Archives Building on June 26, 2006. For more information about remediation and the impact of the flood, read our Fact Sheet on Flooding

Link to the Real Player version of the Archivist's message about updating our 10-year Strategic PlanSpeeches by the Archivist:
NARA is updating its 10-year Strategic Plan and we're looking for input from our constituencies.

More Speeches and Writings by the Archivist

Are you Brave Enough to Add Your John Hancock?

The signers of the Declaration of Independence put their lives on the line to support its principles. Because of their courage, you can add your name and print a copy here!

Dare to join the Declaration signers!

American Conversations Series

Informal conversations between the Archivist and people who've shaped the dialogue about the interpretation and use of American heritage can be viewed now from your desktop:

  • Photo of Ken Burns Ken Burns
    Discussion of his work and his current project, The War

Who Is the Archivist?

Allen Weinstein is the ninth Archivist of the United States, the head of the agency, appointed by the President of the United States.

Allen WeinsteinBiography of Dr. Allen Weinstein, Ninth Archivist of the U.S.
Please note:
resignation effective December 19, 2008.

Adrienne Thomas
Effective December 20, 2008, Acting Archivist Adrienne Thomas.

question markWhat's an Archivist?

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State of the Archives

Address delivered at the National Archives and Records Administration.

Presidential Visit

Allen WeinsteinOn January 16, 2006, the President viewed the Emancipation Proclamation at the National Archives in honor of Martin Luther King's Birthday. More News

An Archival Chat

White HouseArchivist Allen Weinstein took questions on the "Ask the White House" online chat.

Read the transcript.

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