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Last Update: November 19, 2008

Barents Sea
China Snow
IMS Snow
MODIS Image showing snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau Region
IMS Output showing the same snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau Region (red border)
The first week in November 2008, the IMS team members saw increases in snow cover over the Tibetan Plateau region of China. The Tibetan Plateau observed up to 2 meters of snow over some parts of Lhunze county, in Tibet’s Shannan district. Nearly 2000 people needed to be evacuated, while herds of livestock were threatened. Nine people were killed in this event. The National Ice Center helped capture these snow events in the InteractiveMulti-sensor Snow and Ice Mapping System (IMS) output. This output initializes National Weather Service models for snow cover conditions, even during active events, to ensureaccurate and dependable forecasts.