U.S. Marshals Service >> Fugitive Investigations >> 15 Most Wanted >> Andre NEVERSON
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Andre NEVERSON - Case Overview

Andre Neverson

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Case Overview
Recent Facts
  Andre Neverson was born in Trinidad on 5/5/64 to Denzil Humphrey and Erine Neverson.  Neverson was raised by his grandmother and an uncle from ages 4-18; during these years his mother was living in the United States. Neverson is the 7th of 11 children. Neverson came into the United States in 1981, and resided in this country as a resident alien.

On March 11, 1992 at 5:18pm in front of 151 E.34th St, Neverson got into a fight with his girlfriend outside a medical school in Brooklyn, where she worked. The woman's uncle came by and saw them fighting. When he tried to intervene, Neverson became enraged, pulled a gun and shot the uncle five times. The uncle survived, Neverson served five years in prison for attempted murder and was paroled in November of 1998.  Neverson was deported from the United States criminally on 7/24/2000. At some point in September of 2000, Neverson re-entered the country illegally on a Jamaican passport purchased by his family. 

On 7/8/2002 the NYPD found Patricia Neverson, Neverson's sister, shot to death by Neverson, over an ongoing argument about money. On July 11, 2002, NYPD found the body of Donna Davis, Neverson's fiancée. NYPD states that Ms Davis broke off the relationship and that Neverson did not take that well. Ms Davis was last seen in Neverson's Minivan. An investigation performed by the NYPD suggests she was kidnapped then shot to death.

On November 6, 2002 at approximately 12:30am, Neverson, armed with a gun, attempted to visit his 2 yr old daughter.  The police were contacted and a canvas was conducted by the NYPD and USMS with negative results.

January 3, 2003 was the last known sighting of Neverson.

Neverson has been profiled on various local news broadcasts and Americas Most Wanted 6 times. As a major case countless interviews have been done, and every lead has been followed with negative results. Although sightings continue to be reported no new solid leads have been established.
Neverson has 2 murder warrants (pending) by the NYPD, an illegal re-entry warrant by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and a NY State Parole warrant for the previous attempted murder.