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Monitoring and Event Response of Harmful Algal Blooms (MERHAB)

The NOAA Monitoring and Event Response for Harmful Algal Blooms (MERHAB) Research Program is addressing the growing national HAB threat by expanding the number of coastal regions benefiting from advances in algal identification, detection, modeling, and prediction.  MERHAB projects are enhancing existing water and shellfish monitoring programs with new technology allowing for pro-active detection of coastal HAB events and are enhancing and formalizing partnerships between multiple Federal agencies and state, academic, tribal, and local entities. MERHAB promotes sustainable partnerships that enhance delivery of services and/or development of new technologies to mitigate HAB impacts. MERHAB regional projects provide incentive-based partnerships with a broad spectrum of stakeholders. The incentive to participate is a higher level of response capacity than possible for an agency or academic monitoring group acting alone.

For more information contact:
Marc Suddleson
phone: 301-713-3338