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Weekly Monster Seminar Jam - Events
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Winter Quarter Calendar

green arrow bulletAll seminars begin at 11:00 AM and are open to the public. See location      and security info below.
green arrow bulletMonster Seminar Jam Fall 2008 Schedule (PDF)

January  8
Monster Seminar Jam - What is the worst that global warming has done in the past?.
Dr. Peter Ward, Department of Biology, University of Washington
January 15
Monster Seminar Jam - Learning from POPs: What anthropogenic chemicals might tell us about the Puget Sound ecosystem.
Dr. Joel Baker, Environmental Science, University of Washington - Tacoma
January 22
Monster Seminar JAM - Foraging ecology of bowhead whales in West Greenland.
Dr. Kirstin Laidre, Polar Science Center, University of Washington
January 29
Monster Seminar JAM - Changes in Northwest climate and their significance for aquatic organisms.
Dr. Phil Mote, JISAO/CSES Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington
February  5
Monster Seminar JAM - Habitat use and bioenergetics of Southern Resident killer whales.
Dr. Dawn Noren, Conservtion Biology, NOAA - NWFSC
February 12
Monster Seminar JAM - Sixgill shark research at the Seattle Aquarium: a brief program overview, and preliminary results..
Jeff Christiansen, Life Science, The Seattle Aquarium
February 19
Monster Seminar JAM - can't match the fishy friendships of old school ties:  Implications of relatedness and familiarity on patterns of social organisation in fish.
Dr. Siân Griffiths, School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
February 26
Monster Seminar JAM - Why Ecosystem Management is a Human Dimensions Phenomenon.
Dr. Michael Orbach, Nicholas School Marine Science and Conservation, Duke University
March  5
Monster Seminar JAM - Ecological and genetic mechanisms of divergence in threespine stickleback.
Dr. Kerry Marchinko, Zoology Department, University of British Columbia
March 12
Monster Seminar JAM - Evolution in ocean data collection - gliders, floats, and other wild things roaming the seas.
Dr. Fritz Stahr, School of Oceanography, University of Washington


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For document accessibility issues,
please contact Blake Feist at 206-860-3408.

last modified 10/02/2008

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