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PSD Scientist Interviewed for Earth & Sky Radio

February 7, 2008

Marty Ralph, of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory and project manager for the Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) project, was interviewed for an Earth & Sky radio program. The program was released February 4, 2008, and presented a simple overview of how unmanned aircraft can allow for safe high-quality measurements on research flights that are too dangerous or too long for pilots and scientists. In a more in-depth podcast of the interview, Dr. Ralph also described the three test bed studies to be implemented from Summer 2008 to Spring 2009 for Atlantic and Gulf Hurricanes, Arctic Climate Change, and Pacific and West Coast Storms. The radio interview and an extended 7-minute podcast are accessible online (see url below).

EarthSky Communication's mission is advocating science as a vital tool for the 21st century. Since 1991, EarthSky has brought the voice of science to people around the world via radio and web platforms. Programs aired on Earth & Sky are released to a global network of 1,600 radio outlets. Over the next couple of months, this program could be heard 9 million times across the globe.

UAS measurements can strongly support and complement ongoing NOAA field programs and satellite observations by providing continuous targeted sampling over long durations not possible with satellites or manned aircraft. Providing information to the public about NOAA's research programs supports NOAA's cross cutting-priority of environmental literacy, outreach and education.

Contact: Marty Ralph More Information: