Important: The Climate Analysis Branch (PSD1) web site will be down in anticipiation of our major web restructuring starting Tuesday Jan 20th at 1pm MST.
You can find more info about the upcoming URL changes here.
OPeNDAP URLs will change Jan 20th. See here for more details

RSS Feeds

We are experimenting with RSS feeds to let you know if a dataset has been updated or changes made. Let us know about problems or suggestions

Non-Gridded Climate Datasets

Boulder COOP station
US Climate Divisions

Gridded Climate Datasets:

DatasetsAreal CoverageGrid SizeTime StepTime CoverageLevelsRSS
CMAP Precipitation Global2.5°x2.5° Monthly,Pentad1979- None
CPC Soil Moisture Global2.5°x2.5° Monthly1948-presentNone
CRU Air Temperature and Combined Air Temperature/Marine Anomalies V3 Global5.0°x5.0° Monthly1850-presentNone
NCEP GODAS ocean analysis Global.3°x.3° Monthly1980-Dec 2006 None
Global Preciptiation Climatology Centre (GPCC) Global1.0°x1.0°, 2.5°x2.5° Monthly1951-presentNone
GPCP V2 Precipitation Global2.5°x2.5° Monthly1979-2005None
Interpolated OLR Global2.5°x2.5° Daily,Monthly1979-2005None
Kaplan SST Global5.0°x5.0° Monthly1856-presentNone
NCEP Operational Analysis Global2.5°x2.5° Daily 1979-2005None
NCEP Marine Global2.0°x2.0° Monthly1991-presentNone
NOAA Extended Reconstructed SST Global1.0°x1.0° Monthly1854-2006None
NOAA Optimum Interpolation (OI) SST V2 Global1.0°x1.0° Monthly,Weekly1981-presentNone
NCEP Pacific Ocean Analysis Global1.0°x1.5° Weekly, Monthly1992-presentNone
NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Global2.5°x2.5°, T42 Gaussian, T62 spectral 4X Daily, Daily, Monthly1948-present17 pressure levels, 28 spectral
PSD Derived NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis Products Global2.5°x2.5°, T62 Gaussian Daily, Monthly1948-present17 pressure levels, 28 spectral
NCEP/DOE Reanalysis II Global2.5°x2.5° 4X Daily, Daily, Monthly1979-200417 Pressure levels
Uninterpolated OLR Global2.5°x2.5° Daily1991-presentNone