|| Meeting the Challenge ||

The Library of Congress continues to work with the Federal Agenicies Digitization Guidelines Initiative. The Still Image working group is developing guidelines for activities associated with digital imaging and encoding.
|| Digital Preservation Pioneers ||

Larry Carver talks about creating a home for geospatial data in the library world and his vision for finding information related to any spot on the Earth through online maps.
|| Partner Tools and Services ||

The NDIIPP program has actively supported the development of tools and services to support digital preservation. Get access to them here.
|| Preserving Your Digital Memories ||

Just as libraries are preserving the nation's digital memory, individuals need to take steps to preserve their own digital memories. Here are some tips on what you can do.
|| News & Events ||
Legislative Information Preservation Project Holds Meeting
Project partners get updates and plan activities for the next phase of the project.
Library Releases Software
Open source software tools that cultural heritage organizations can use to send and receive digital data have recently been released on Sourceforge.net.
Partners Plan for the Future
Heads of the initial eight NDIIPP partnerships met with Library staff to discuss ideas for continuing collaboration after their projects end in 2009.
Transfer Tools & Services
Library of Congress staff and NDIIPP partners participated in a panel focusing on content transfer at the Digital Library Federation 2008 Fall Forum.