Bill Summary & Status for the 95th Congress

Congress: 111 | 110 | 109 | 108 | 107 | 106 | 105 | 104 | 103 | 102 | 101 | 100 | 99 | 98 | 97 | 96 | 95 | 94 | 93

Browse Alphabetical List of Bill Popular and Short Titles

Browse Starting with:
Number of items per page: (maximum is 500)          
Abandoned Bank Accounts Act
Academic Freedom Act
Accelerated Depreciation Allowance Act
Accredited Law Schools Constituted Depositories
Act to Combat International Terrorism
Act to Prevent Pollution From Ships
Administrative Procedure Reform Act
Administrative Rule Making Control Act
Administrative Rule Making Reform Act
Adolescent Health, Services, and Pregnancy Prevention and Care Act
Adoption Opportunities Act
Adoption Protection Act
Adoption Reform Act
Advisory Committee Termination Act
Affordable Home Mortgage Act
African Development Foundation Act
Afro-American Museums Act
Age Discrimination Act
Age Discrimination in Employment Act Amendments
Age Discrimination in Employment Amendments
Age Discrimination in Federal Employment Act
Agency Accountability Act
Agency Responsiveness Act
Agricultural Act
Agricultural and Environmental Research Act
Agricultural Census Amendments Act
Agricultural Commodities Utilization Act
Agricultural Credit Act
Agricultural Credit Assistance Act
Agricultural Emergency Assistance Act
Agricultural Energy Demonstration Act
Agricultural Export Credit Act
Agricultural Export Expansion Act
Agricultural Export Trade Expansion Act
Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act
Agricultural Foreign Investment Information Act
Agricultural Foreign Investment Recording Act
Agricultural Land Retention Act
Agricultural Loan Refinancing Act
Agricultural Research Act
Agricultural Solar Energy Research, Development, and Demonstration Act
Agricultural Subterminal Storage Facilities Act
Agricultural Trade Act
Agricultural Trade Expansion Act
Agricultural Water Quality Act
Agriculture and Consumer Protection and Reserve Act
Agriculture Emergency Act
Agriculture Refinance Act
Aid for Dependent Children Quality Control Act
Air Piracy Quarantine Act
Air Service Improvement Act
Air Traffic Control Pay Reform Act
Air Traffic Controllers Pay Reform Act
Air Transportation Regulatory Reform Act
Air Travel Protection Act
Aircraft and Airport Noise Reduction Act
Aircraft Noise Reduction Act
Airline Deregulation Act
Airport and Aircraft Noise Reduction Act
Airport Noise Control Act
Airport Noise Curfew Act
Alaska Conservation Act
Alaska Hydroelectric Energy Development and Conversion Act
Alaska Lands Conservation and Management Act
Alaska National Interest Lands Act
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Amendments
Alaska Refuges Act
Alaskan Oil Distribution and Export Plan
Alaskan Oil Distribution, Transportation, and Export Plan Amendments
Alaskan Petroleum and Natural Gas Nonexport Amendments
Alcohol and Drug Abuse Education Amendments
Alcohol Fuel Act
Alcohol Fuel Additive Act
Alcohol Fuel Encouragement Act
Alcohol Fuel Incentive Act
Alcohol Fuel Initiative Act
Alien Adjustment and Employment Act
Alien Employment Act
Alternatives to Abortion Act
Amateur Athletes Bill of Rights Act
Amateur Sports Act
Amendments to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
Amendments to the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Development Act
Amendments to the Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Service Act
American Agriculture Protection Act
American Arts Gold Medallion Act
American Constitution Bicentennial Commission Act
American Dream Act
American Foreign Affairs Western Hemisphere Act
American Samoa Development Fund Act
American Stock Ownership Plans
American Tax Reduction Act
American Tax Reduction Plan Act
American Youth Hostel Act
Amtrak Improvement Act
Animal Biological Products Act
Animal Clinic Loan Act
Animal Health Research Act
Animal Welfare Act Amendments
