Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 6XX >> 685

685 - History Note (R)

MARC 21 Classification - Full
October 2008

First Indicator
Result of change
0 - Completely new number
1 - Completely vacated number
2 - Partially changed number
3 - Reused after being vacated
4 - Immediately reused
8 - Other

Second Indicator
Type of history information
0 - Relocation
1 - Formerly
2 - Discontinuation
3 - Expansion
8 - Other

Subfield Codes
$a - New number-single number or beginning number of span (R)
$b - Previous number-single number or beginning number of span (R)
$c - Classification number-ending number of span (R)
$d - Date of implementation at authoritative agency (NR)
$e - Local implementation date (NR)
$f - Title and publication date (NR)
$i - Explanatory text (R)
$t - Topic (R)
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table (R)
$z - Table identification (R)
$2 - Edition number (R)
$5 - Institution to which field applies (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)


Information about the history of the use and meaning of a classification number that is contained either in field 153 (Classification Number) unless a 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) or 553 (Valid Number Tracing) field contains code a (History reference, field 685 used) in control subfield $w/3 (History reference).

If the tracing contains code a in subfield $w/3, the history reference refers to the number in that field. If there are two tracings in the record both with code a in subfield $w/3, the number in subfield $a or $b identifies to which tracing the history note refers. The information in this field is intended primarily for computer processing or to guide classifiers and is often not written in a form adequate for public user display.



First Indicator - Result of change
Result of the change recorded in field 685 to the meaning of the number in field 153, 453, or 553.
0 - Completely new number
Classification number has not been used in any previous edition.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a006.7$hGeneralities$hSpecial computer methods$jMultimedia systems
685 01$tMultimedia systems, interactive video, comprehensive works on computer graphics and computer sound synthesis$iall formerly located in$a006.6$d19960930$221
1 - Completely vacated number
Classification number in field 153 (Classification Number) has ceased being used or that the 685 field is linked to a 453 (Invalid Number Tracing) field with code a (Previous classification number) in control subfield $w/0 (Special relationship).
008/08 d
[completely invalid]
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a297.19$hReligion$hComparative religion and religions other than Christianity $kReligions other than Christianity$hIslam, Babism, Bahai Faith$kIslam$kSources of Islam; Islamic doctrinal theology (Àq¯aid and Kal¯am); Islam and secular disciplines; Islam and other systems of belief; Islamic worship$hSources of Islam$j Mythology
685 12$iProvision discontinued because without meaning in context$d19960930$221
[A record is created for this invalid number to give the discontinuation information, because there is no other number in which to include it as a tracing.]
2 - Partially changed number
Meaning of the classification number has been partly changed by the addition or subtraction of a topic.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a158.5$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$hPsychology$k Specific topics in psychology$hApplied psychology$jNegotiation
685 22$iUse of this number for$tcooperation$idiscontinued; class in$a158$d19960930$221
[The record for 158 contains a tracing for 158.5 that is coded a (Previous classification number) in control subfield $w/0.]
3 - Reused after being vacated
Classification number has been reused after being vacated for at least one edition.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z1$a081$hStandard Subdivisions$hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons$jMen
453 1#$wanaa$z1$a088041$hStandard subdivisions$hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons$jMen
685 10$tCritical appraisal of a person's work$irelocated to$z1$a092$d19650501$217
685 31$tMen$iformerly located in$z1$b088041$d19890306$220
[088041 is now an invalid number.]
4 - Immediately reused
Meaning of the classification number has completely changed, without any intervening period of nonuse.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a439.1$hLanguage$kSpecific languages$kSpecific Indo-European languages $hGermanic (Teutonic) languages. German$hOther Germanic (Teutonic) languages $jYiddish
553 0#$wanna$a437.947$hLanguage$kSpecific languages$kSpecific Indo-European languages$hGermanic (Teutonic) languages. German$kSubdivisions of German language$hHistorical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations $hGeographic variations in other places$jYiddish
685 41$tYiddish$iformerly located in$b437.947$d19960930$221
685 42$iUse of this number for$tcomprehensive works on Old Low Germanic languages$idiscontinued; class in$a439$d19960930$221
685 40$tOld Frisian$irelocated to$a439.2$d19960930$221
685 40$tOld Low Franconian$irelocated to$a439.31$d19960930$221
685 40$tOld Low German, Old Saxon$irelocated to$a439.4$d19960930$221
[The record for 439.4 contains a tracing for 439.1]
8 - Other
Field gives information about a change other than that specified by one of the other defined values.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a370$hSocial sciences$jEducation
685 88$iThis schedule is extensively revised, 370.1, 370.7, 375-377, and 378.14-378.19 in particular departing from earlier editions. A comparative table giving both old and new numbers for relocated topics, and equivalence tables showing the numbers in the old and new schedules appear in volume 1 of this edition$d19960930$221
Second Indicator - Type of history information
Type of history information note.
0 - Relocation
Specific topic has been shifted from the number in field 153 to another number. This situation usually involves shifting from one hierarchy to another.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a307.2$hSocial sciences$kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology$h Communities$kSpecific aspects of communities$jMovement of people to, from, within communities
685 20$tPopulation size and composition$irelocated to$a304.6$d19960930$221
[The record for 304.6 contains a tracing for 307.2 that is coded a (Previous classification number) in control subfield $w/0.]
1 - Formerly
Specific topic has been shifted to the number in field 153 from another number. This situation usually involves shifting from one hierarchy to another.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a304.6$hSocial sciences$kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology$h Factors affecting social behavior$jPopulation
553 0#$wanna$a307.2$hSocial sciences$kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology$hCommunities$kSpecific aspects of communities$jMovement of people to, from, within communities
685 21$tPopulation size and composition$iboth formerly also located in$a307.2$d19960930$221
[Field 553 contains code a in control subfield $w/3 (History reference) to indicate that field 685 refers to the number in that tracing.]
2 - Discontinuation
Topic has been moved to a shorter number in the same hierarchy, or that the topic has been dropped entirely, usually because it is obsolete or without meaning in context.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a152.182$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$hPsychology$k Specific topics in psychology$hSensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives$hSensory perception$hOther types of sensory perception$j Cutaneous (Tactile) perception
453 0#$wanna$a152.1828$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$h Psychology$kSpecific topics in psychology$hSensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives$hSensory perception$hOther types of sensory perception$hCutaneous (Tactile) perception$jItch and tickle
685 12$iNumber discontinued; class in$a152.182$b152.1828$d19960930$221
[Field 453 contains code a in control subfield $w/3 (History reference) to indicate that the 685 field refers to the number in that tracing.]
3 - Expansion
Topic has been moved to a longer number in the same hierarchy.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a796.32$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hRecreational and performing arts$hAthletic and outdoor sports and games$hBall games$jInflated ball thrown or hit by hand
685 23$a796.324$tNetball$d19960930$221
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a796.324$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hRecreational and performing arts$hAthletic and outdoor sports and games$hBall games$hInflated ball thrown or hit by hand$jNetball
685 03$iExpanded from$a796.324$tNetball$d19960930$221
8 - Other
Field gives information about a type of change other than that specified by one of the other defined values.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a350$hSocial sciences$kPublic administration and military science
685 88$iExcept for military science (355-359), this schedule is new and has been prepared with little or no reference to previous editions. Most numbers have been reused with new meanings. A comparative table giving both old and new numbers for a substantial list of topics and equivalence tables showing the numbers in the old and new schedules appear in volume 1 of this edition$d19960930$221


$a - New number-single number or beginning number of span
New number to which a topic has been moved. If the new number is the same as the number in field 153 (Classification Number), this subfield is not used. The presence of this subfield signals that the topic is being moved away from the classification number in field 153. The record for the new number generally contains a tracing for the number from which the topic was moved.
Used to amplify the explanatory text of the note.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a160$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$jLogic
685 20$tReference$irelocated to$a121.68$d19960930$221
$b - Previous number-single number or beginning number of span
Old number from which the topic has been moved. If the old number is the same as the number in field 153, 453, or 553, this subfield is not used.
Presence of this subfield signals that the topic is being moved into the number in field 153. This record generally contains a tracing for the previous number.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a121.68$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$hEpistemology, causation, humankind$hEpistemology (Theory of knowledge)$hNature of inquiry$j Meaning, interpretation, hermeneutics
685 21$tReference$iformerly located in$b160$d19960930$221
$c - Classification number-ending number of span
Ending number of a classification number span cited in field 685. The beginning number of the span is recorded either in subfield $a for new number or subfield $b for previous number.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a296.43$c296.44$hReligion$hComparative religion and religions other than Christianity$kReligions other than Christianity$hJudaism$hTraditions, rites, public services$jFestivals, holy days, fasts; rites and customs for occasions that occur generally once in a lifetime
685 20$tLiturgy and prayers for festivals, holy days, fasts; for occasions that occur generally once in a lifetime$irelocated to$a296.453$c296.454$d19960930$221
$d - Date of implementation at authoritative agency
Date on which the authoritative agency implemented the change recorded in field 685.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a305.235$hSocial Sciences$kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology$h Social groups$hAge groups$hYoung people$jYoung people twelve to twenty
685 20$tComprehensive works on young adults$irelocated to$a305.242$d19960930$221
$e - Local implementation date
Date on which the local library implemented the change recorded in field 685.
$f - Title and publication date
Code or a title and publication date string that identifies the source where the classification number change first appeared if the change occurred in other than a published edition identified in subfield $2 (Edition number). The field may also contain a volume and number if appropriate, following the title and publication date or coded data.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a004$hGeneralities$jData processing. Computer science
685 01$tData processing. Computer science$iformerly located in$b001.6$d19850501$fDDC 004-006, data processing and computer science and changes in related disciplines, 1985$219
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a303.323$hSocial sciences$kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology $hSocial processes$hCoordination and control$hSocialization$jBy the family
685 03$tSocialization by the family$d19820315$fDDC 301-307, sociology, 1982$219
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a530.1433$hNatural sciences and mathematics$hPhysics$hTheories and mathematical physics$hField and wave theories$hQuantum field theory$jQuantum electrodynamics
685 01$tQuantum electrodynamics$iformerly located in$b537.67$d19990901$fNew and Changed Entries, September 1999$221
$i - Explanatory text
Explains the scope of the classification number. This subfield is repeated when other subfields intervene in the explanatory text.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a158.5$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$hPsychology$k Specific topics in psychology$hApplied psychology$jNegotiation
685 22$iUse of this number for cooperation discontinued; class in$a158$d19960930$221
$t - Topic
Topic that is being added to or subtracted from the meaning of the number in field 153, 453, or 553 of this or another record.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a307.2$hSocial sciences$kSpecific topics in sociology and anthropology$ah Communities$kSpecific aspects of communities$jMovement of people to, from, within communities
685 20$tPopulation size and composition$irelocated to$a304.6$d19960930$221
$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table
Sequence number or other identifier for an internal classification subarrangement or add table. If the first or only add table found at a classification number is the number 1, succeeding integers are used for any following add tables found at that number.
$z - Table identification
Identification of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 685 belongs, if the classification number is part of a table. For a classification number span, subfield $z is given only once, before the first number.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z2$a5129$hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons$kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds$kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds$hAsia. Orient. Far East$hChina and adjacent areas$h Southeastern China and adjacent areas$jHainan Province (Hainan Sheng)
685 01$tHainan Province (Hainan Sheng)$iformerly located in$z2$b5127$d19910501$220
$2 - Edition number
Edition number of the classification scheme in which the change recorded in field 685 occurred.
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a160$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$jLogic
685 20$tReference$irelocated to$a121.68$d19960930$221
$5 - Institution to which field applies
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$6 - Linkage
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Dewey Decimal Classification - Formerly notes are the other ends of relocation notes. In the printed version they are embedded in captions or in other notes rather than being a separate note.

Subfield $d (Date of implementation of authoritative-agency) and subfield $2 (Edition number) are applicable only to the standard full English language edition of the DDC.

Examples of the use of subfield $f (Title and publication date) are the DC&: Decimal Classification Additions, Notes and Decisions, small schedules that are issued separately in advance of the publication of a new edition, or on the “New and Changed Entries” page of the DDC news and events website.


$y - Table sequence number for internal subarrangement or add table [NEW, 2008]

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