Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
Chapter 1: LSCM Organization PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, October 09, 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
1.1 What's New
1.2 GPO's Organizational Structure
1.3 About askGPO
1.4 How to Obtain Assistance
1.5 Keeping Current with the FDLP
1.6 Tips and Lessons Learned
1.7 You Don't Have to...'
1.8 Important
All Pages

1.6 Tips, Practical Advice, and Lessons Learned

Use the Knowledge Base. As part of askGPO, it has a wealth of information on a variety of topics. Frequently asked questions and answers are organized under subject categories and subcategories. Federal Depository Libraries may be one of the first categories you search. Typical questions found in its subcategories are:

  • Natural Disaster questions (When should I stop depository shipments?)
  • Acquisitions (Will this document be distributed to depository libraries?)
  • Cataloging (Is this item cataloged?)
  • Classification (Is this the right SuDoc number?)
  • Depository Designation Status (Can my library become a depository?)
  • Depository Management (Can I obtain assistance with the biennial survey or annual selection updates?)
  • Digitization (What is the registry of digitization projects?)
  • Distribution/Shipments (How can I get assistance with a claim?)