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Chapter 1: LSCM Organization PDF Print E-mail
Written on Thursday, October 09, 2008
Last Updated on Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 1: LSCM Organization
1.1 What's New
1.2 GPO's Organizational Structure
1.3 About askGPO
1.4 How to Obtain Assistance
1.5 Keeping Current with the FDLP
1.6 Tips and Lessons Learned
1.7 You Don't Have to...'
1.8 Important
All Pages

1.2 GPO's Organizational Structure

The Executive Leadership Team for GPO is composed of executive-level managers charged with guiding the federal agency. The team consists of the Public Printer of the United States, the Deputy Public Printer of the United States, the Superintendent of Documents, and the Director, Library Services and Content Management.

Robert C. Tapella, Public Printer of the United States.The Public Printer, with the approval of the Joint Committee on Printing, is responsible for implementation of the Federal Depository Library Program. Additionally, the Public Printer designates certain types of depository libraries as detailed in the Designation Handbook for Federal Depository Libraries.

Robert C. Tapella, Public Printer of the United States serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the U.S. Government Printing Office.



Richard G. Davis, Acting Superintendent of Documents.The Superintendent of Documents, appointed by the Public Printer, oversees the policy creation and operations of the FDLP through the LSCM business unit. LSCM staff acquire, catalog, organize, and disseminate U.S. government publications to the FDLP. Additionally, the Superintendent of Documents designates some types of depository libraries and oversees the GPO sales program.

Richard G. Davis, Acting Superintendent of Documents serves as the acting Superintendent of Documents as well as the Director, LSCM.

Within Library Services and Content Management, the Director of LSCM is responsible for the staff supporting the FDLP. In an effort to provide improved, consistent communication with the community, LSCM issued SOD 305 Policy Statement, "Subject: Use of Electronic Postings to Communicate Administrative Information and Announcements to the Federal Depository Community and Others." This policy establishes conditions under which postings via various electronic communication mechanisms are used to communicate administrative information and announcements to Federal depository library staff and others with an interest in GPO's Library Services and Content Management programs.