Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 4: Public Services
Chapter 4: Public Services PDF Print E-mail
Written on Friday, November 14, 2008
Last Updated on Friday, January 09, 2009

Article Index
Chapter 4: Public Services
4.1 What's New
4.2 Public Services Functions
4.3 Reference Services for Depository Users
4.4 Circulation of Depository Materials
4.5 Marketing to Your Users
4.6 Promoting Your Depository
4.7 Library of the Year Award
4.8 Tips and Lessons Learned
4.9 You Don't Have to...
4.10 Important
All Pages

4.9 Did you realize that you don't have to...?

  • Provide free printing or photocopying. Your depository library may charge the same fees for printing and photocopying depository information resources that it charges for non-depository materials to be copied or printed. Downloading, however, MUST be available without fees. Your depository library is not required to provide storage media, such as floppies or USB drives, unless they are provided for users of non-depository materials. In that case, the same charges may be applied.
  • Circulate depository materials. Your depository library has the option of establishing its own circulation policies for the use of depository materials outside the library.
  • Maintain identical public service hours at the general reference and documents service desks.