Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 14: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
Chapter 14: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery PDF Print E-mail
Written on Monday, November 17, 2008
Last Updated on Monday, December 29, 2008

Article Index
Chapter 14: Disaster Preparedness and Recovery
14.1 What's New
14.2 Disaster Preparedness In General
14.3 Disaster Plan
14.4 Disaster Response
14.5 Tips for Recovering Materials
14.6 Disaster Recovery Report
14.7 Replacing Federal Publications
14.8 Responsibilities of Regionals and Selectives
14.9 Treatment and Replacement
14.10 Resumption of Processing
14.11 Sources Of Replacement Documents
14.12 Additional Resources
14.13 Tips and Lessons Learned
14.14 You Don't Have to...
14.15 Important
All Pages

14.14 Did you realize that you don't have to....?

  • Waste time when a disaster occurs. Your disaster planning should include creating a list or map to alert rescue workers about materials you would like them to save first. Your secondary copies of the disaster plan should be available offsite in multiple locations so that rapid response can occur at the first sign of an incident.
  • Wait for an incident to occur before acting to protect the collection. There are multiple common preventive measures that your depository can take to help avoid the loss of materials.