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National Office of Public Health Genomics
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Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
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 Thursday, October 30, 2008 Volume 21   Number 18
Family History Population Research Genomics in Practice General Public
This weekly update provides information about the impact of human genomic research on disease prevention & population health. open mailbox for email deliveryGet email updates
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Prevalence Estimates of Selected
Gene Variants of the U.S. Population Published
CDC reports the first estimates of gene variant frequency for a nationally-representative sample of the U.S. population, including major racial and ethnic subgroups. This work may help us to understand how these gene variants influence health and disease outcomes. Read more.


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Genomics Announcements


The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology issues 2008 report on Priorities for Personalized Medicine (2008). (7 MB)

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New genetics fellowship position with CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems in the National Center for Preparedness, Detection, and Control of Infectious Disease. Read the announcement. (75 KB) For more information, contact Ira Lubin at

New scientific journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics non-gov warning icon releases first issue.


UPDATED! The Oregon State Genetics Program releases 2007 results on BRFSS questions (41 KB) related to family history of cardiovascular disease and direct-to-consumer marketing of genetic tests, as well as 2007 results from the General Knowledge Survey (146 KB) , a telephone health survey about health knowledge and beliefs related to genetics and family history.

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What's New in HuGENet™
October 2008

Genomics In The News

  • The following are headlines from on-line news articles published during the past week.
  • The headlines and lead sentence are exactly as they appear in the popular press & do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of CDC.
  • Free registration required for some articles.

Birth Defects

Risk factors for congenital cryptorchidism in a prospective birth cohort studynon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 27

First gene for clubfoot foundnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 24

Universal test for genetic diseases in unborn children in the pipelinenon-gov warning icon News-Medical.Net, October 27




Genetic screening for cancer starts in Londonnon-gov warning icon UCL News, October 30

Southlake breast cancer survivor learns about genetic mutation 10 years laternon-gov warning icon Star-Telegram, October 27

That 'sticky' chromosomes have role in kidney cancer, VAI researchers find - Somatic...non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 28

Colon cancer drug won't help those with certain gene mutationnon-gov warning icon Medline Plus, October 24

Gene found activated in 70% of prostate cancer cases, report George Washington University...non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 27



Cardiovascular Disease

Faulty gene causes heart attack deathnon-gov warning icon The Times of India, October 30

Peripheral-blood gene expression linked to heart diseasenon-gov warning icon, October 24



Personalized medicine for monogenic diabetesnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 25


Family History

Family history verifies breast cancer risknon-gov warning icon Press TV, October 29

Five things you should know about your healthnon-gov warning icon The Lincoln Journal, October 23

Getting to the bottom of 'family cancer'non-gov warning icon, October 26



Genetic Testing

Genetics and Public Policy Center receives NIH award to study direct-to-consumer genetic testingnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 28

Is genetic testing really good for your healthnon-gov warning icon, October 27

Government advisory committee recommends new genetic testing laboratory practices, USAnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 28

Simple gene-based blood test, quicker, more accurate evaluation for cystic fibrosisnon-gov warning icon News-Medical.Net, October 27

Publication announcement - Carrier screening for CF in US genetic testing laboratories: A survey of laboratory directorsnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 28



Human Genome Epidemiology

Infectious Disease

Roundtable discussion on genomics and population healthnon-gov warning icon Life Sciences Institute e-newsletter, October 24

Cold virus found to manipulate genesnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 24


Mental Health

Epilepsy Phenome/genome project - First and largest research study of its kind to understand what causes epilepsynon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 27

Genomic changes discovered in the brains of people who commit suicidenon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 24


Other News

Engineering technique created to identify disease-causing genesnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 29

Transsexual genes identifiednon-gov warning icon News-Medical.Net, October 27

Liew’s return is in the genesnon-gov warning icon The Edge Daily, October 29

Bangor welcomes Maine Institute for Human
non-gov warning icon, October 25

Supercomputer provides massive computational boost to biomedical research at TGennon-gov warning icon EurekAlert, October 29

Springer to collaborate with American Society for Reproductive Medicinenon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 24

$57.8M award to Rutgers to support investigations into the genetics of mental disorders, metabolic...non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 28

Toxic bile damages the livernon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 24

Applied Biosystems asks the life science industry, "What would you do with a $10k genome”non-gov warning icon GEN News, October 27

The American Society of Human Genetics honors Dr. Haig Kazazian as 2008 Allan Award recipientnon-gov warning icon EurekAlert, October 23

Discovery of new gene responsible for puberty disordersnon-gov warning icon News-Medical.Net, October 27

Genome-wide study uncovers an increase of genetic distances towards Northern Europenon-gov warning icon EurekAlert, October 23



DNA research taking guesswork out of finding the "Therapeutic Window"non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 24

Pharmacogenomics: UC San Diego to lead nationwide programnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 24

Genomics in Scientific Literature
Featured Item

NQO1 Polymorphisms and De Novo Childhood Leukemia: A HuGE Review and Meta-Analysis
Guha N, et al.
Am J Epidemiol 2008 Oct

 General Articles

HGVbaseG2P: a central genetic association database
Thorisson GA, et al.
Nucleic Acids Res 2008 Oct

PharmGKB: understanding the effects of individual genetic variants
Sangkuhl K, et al.
Drug Metab Rev 2008;40(4):539-51

Genetic predisposition to statin myopathy
Vladutiu GD
Curr Opin Rheumatol 2008 Nov;20(6):648-55

Genetic prediction of renal transplant outcome
Goldfarb-Rumyantzev AS & Naiman N
Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 2008 Nov;17(6):573-9

Risk-reduction surgery in BRCA mutation carriers in a Spanish population: adherence and results
Perez Segura P, et al.
Clin Transl Oncol 2008 Oct;10(10):660-4

Lactose intolerance--genotyping simplifies and improves diagnosis
Vestergaard EM, et al.
Ugeskr Laeger 2008 Oct;170(42):3312-4

Genome-wide association studies
Feenstra B, et al.
Ugeskr Laeger 2008 Oct;170(41):3216-20

Dominant versus recessive: Molecular mechanisms in metabolic disease
Zschocke J
J Inherit Metab Dis 2008 Oct

Detecting Interactions in Association Studies by Using Simple Allele Recoding
Sillanpaa MJ
Hum Hered 2008 Oct;67(1):69-75

Optimal DNA Pooling-Based Two-Stage Designs in Case-Control Association Studies
Zhao Y & Wang S
Hum Hered 2008 Oct;67(1):46-56

MDPD: an integrated genetic information resource for Parkinson's disease
Tang S, et al.
Nucleic Acids Res 2008 Oct

Impact and Quantification of the Sources of Error in DNA Pooling Designs
Jawaid A & Sham P
Ann Hum Genet 2008 Oct

Understanding emotional responses to breast/ovarian cancer genetic risk assessment: an applied test of a cognitive theory of emotion
Phelps C, et al.
Psychol Health Med 2008 Oct;13(5):545-58

Genome-wide association studies in neurological disorders
Simon-Sanchez J & Singleton A
Lancet Neurol 2008 Nov;7(11):1067-72

Locus-specific databases and recommendations to strengthen their contribution to  the classification of variants in cancer susceptibility genes
Greenblatt MS, et al.
Hum Mutat 2008 Oct;29(11):1273-81

Psychosocial outcome following genetic risk counselling for familial colorectal cancer. A comparison of affected patients and family members
Keller M, et al.
Clin Genet 2008 Nov;74(5):414-24

Genetic epidemiology: the use of old and new tools for multiple sclerosis
Ramagopalan SV, et al.
Trends Neurosci 2008 Oct

 Family History

Perceptions of Familial Risk in those Seeking a Genetic Risk Assessment for Alzheimer's Disease
Hiraki S, et al.
J Genet Couns 2008 Oct

Occupational exposure to dust, gases and fumes, a family history of asthma and impaired respiratory health
Hedlund U, et al.
Scand J Work Environ Health 2008 Oct;34(5):381-6


 Genetic Testing

A Systematic Review of the Effects of Disclosing Carrier Results Generated Through Newborn Screening
Hayeems RZ, et al.
J Genet Couns 2008 Oct

Sequence variant classification and reporting: recommendations for improving the  interpretation of cancer susceptibility genetic test results
Plon SE, et al.
Hum Mutat 2008 Oct;29(11):1282-91

Changing interpretations, stable genes: responsibilities of patients, professionals, and policy makers in the clinical interpretation of complex genetic information
Shirts BH & Parker LS
Genet Med 2008 Oct

The brave new era of human genetic testing
Bandelt HJ, et al.
Bioessays 2008 Nov;30(11-12):1246-51

Genetic Testing in Clinical Practice
Lamberts SW & Uitterlinden AG
Annu Rev Med 2008 Oct


 Genome Wide

Genome-wide association scan of the time to onset of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Lasky-Su J, et al.
Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 2008 Oct

HuGE Published Literature [ back to top ]

Articles that report on population prevalence of genotypes, gene-disease associations, gene-environment and gene-gene interactions and evaluation of genetic tests. For more information on HuGE, please visit the HuGENet™ home page

For the week ending October 29, 2008, there are HuGE articles in the following areas:

Gene Variant Frequency
Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases
Diseases of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs Disorders
Mental Disorders
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs
Diseases of the Circulatory System
Diseases of the Respiratory System
Diseases of the Digestive System
Diseases of the Genitourinary System
Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue
Congenital Anomalies
Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-defined Conditions

For more information on HuGE, please visit the HuGENet™ home page

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Page last updated: October 30, 2008 (archived document)
Content Source: National Office of Public Health Genomics