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National Office of Public Health Genomics
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Office of Genomics and Disease Prevention
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 Thursday, October 9, 2008 Volume 21   Number 15
Family History Population Research Genomics in Practice General Public
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EGAPP Working Group Methods Published
The independent EGAPP Working Group has developed new approaches and optimized existing methods for collecting, analyzing, and grading evidence on analytic and clinical validity and clinical utility of genetic and genomic tests. These methods are described in a paper now available online non-gov warning icon PDF icon (397 KB) in Genetics in Medicine. Learn more about the EGAPP Process non-gov warning icon and CDC’s EGAPP Initiative.


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Genomics Announcements


October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. See the USPSTF recommendations on BRCA mutation testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility, and learn more about breast cancer from the CDC and NIH.


NIH's National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is now accepting applications for projects on epigenomics of human health and disease. Read the announcement.


New article, Genes and Health non-gov warning icon published in the Fall 2008 issue of the CDC Foundation newsletter FrontLine. non-gov warning icon Read about genomics activities and achievements of CDC's National Office of Public Health Genomics.

Genomics In The News

  • The following are headlines from on-line news articles published during the past week.
  • The headlines and lead sentence are exactly as they appear in the popular press & do not necessarily reflect the opinions or recommendations of CDC.
  • Free registration required for some articles.


More Women Undergoing Breast, Ovarian Cancer Genetic Testingnon-gov warning icon, October 9 survey asks how much do you know about your cancer risknon-gov warning icon Market Watch, October 6

Breast cancer gene tests — not worth the pricenon-gov warning icon MSNBC, October 9

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Monthnon-gov warning icon Woodlands Online, October 6

Firm says test judges risk for common breast cancersnon-gov warning icon Washington Post, October 8

Documenting a devastating genetic illnessnon-gov warning icon Chicago Tribune, October 5

Researchers kill off pancreatic cancer cells with ‘suicide gene’non-gov warning icon Drug Discovery News, October 7

Psychological impact of gene test for breast cancernon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 5



NIH funding for new epigenomics initiativenon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 5


Family History

Your family historynon-gov warning icon The Star Online, October 5

Breast cancer family history topic of monthly genetic seriesnon-gov warning icon BMC News, October 3


Genetic Testing

Gene-testing startup's study responds to criticsnon-gov warning icon The Age, October 9

New prenatal Down Syndrome test less risky than amniocentesis, say Stanford/Packard scientistsnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 7

Genetic techniques help search for a blood test for Down syndromenon-gov warning icon International Herald Tribune, October 7

Dawn of low-price mapping could broaden DNA usesnon-gov warning icon The New York Times, October 6

Genetic test brings baby joynon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 7



Infectious Disease

Scientists decode genome of parasite that causes relapsing malarianon-gov warning icon NIH News, October 8

Inherited disorders and copy number changes in human alpha-globin genesnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 7


Mental Health

NIH scientists identify link between brain systems implicated in schizophrenianon-gov warning icon NIH News, October 6

Autism gene may also confer geniusnon-gov warning icon The Asian Age, October 5


Other News

$13.5M NIH contract for development of a national...non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 9

Genes may explain racial disparities in asthmanon-gov warning icon Reuters Health, October 6

Gene mutation tied to transplant rejection in kidsnon-gov warning icon Reuters Health, October 8

UCF in first-of-its-kind $54 million national study...non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 6

Human microbiome project awards funds for technology development, data analysis and ethical researchnon-gov warning icon NIH News, October 7

Scientists identify gene variant involved in isolated cleft lipnon-gov warning icon NIH News, October 5

Inherited disorders and copy number changes in human alpha-globin genesnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 7

First glimpse of a key DNA repair protein at
non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 4

Form of Crohn's disease traced to disabled gut
non-gov warning icon Science Daily, October 7

NIH’s National Children’s Study enters next
non-gov warning icon NIH News, October 3

Genetic link to age-related macular degeneration reported in the Lancet4, non-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 7

DNA of good bacteria drives intestinal response to infectionnon-gov warning icon NIH News, October 2

Orphan genetic disease believed to affect ten times more children than previously thoughtnon-gov warning icon Medical News Today, October 7  
Genomics in Scientific Literature
Featured Item

Design of the BRISC study: a multicentre controlled clinical trial to optimize the communication of breast cancer risks in genetic counselling
Ockhuysen-Vermey CF, et al.
BMC Cancer 2008 Oct;8(1):283

 General Articles

The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System: Approaches to Guide Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease
Brugts JJ, et al.
Cardiology 2008 Oct;112(4):303-12

Genetic Variations in Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors Associated with Psoriasis  Found by Genome-Wide Association
Duffin KC & Krueger GG
J Invest Dermatol 2008 Oct

Long QT Syndrome
Goldenberg I, et al.
Curr Probl Cardiol 2008 Nov;33(11):629-94

A Combinatorial Approach to Detecting Gene-Gene and Gene-Environment Interactions in Family Studies
Lou XY, et al.
Am J Hum Genet 2008 Oct

Chronic heart failure: beta-blockers and pharmacogenetics
Azuma J & Nonen S
Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2008 Oct

Contralateral Risk-Reducing Mastectomy in Young Breast Cancer Patients with and without Genetic Cancer Risk Assessment
Mai PL, et al.
Ann Surg Oncol 2008 Oct

What do we know about the genetics of aspirin intolerance?
Palikhe NS, et al.
J Clin Pharm Ther 2008 Oct;33(5):465-72

New advances in hematopoietic cell transplantation
Petersdorf EW & Hansen JA
Curr Opin Hematol 2008 Nov;15(6):549-54

The challenges for molecular nutrition research 3: comparative nutrigenomics research as a basis for entering the systems level
Daniel H, et al.
Genes Nutr 2008 Oct

A customized genetic approach to the number one killer: coronary artery disease
Roberts R
Curr Opin Cardiol 2008 Nov;23(6):629-33

 Family History

Mammographic screening for young women with a family history of breast cancer: knowledge and views of those at risk
Tyndel S, et al.
Br J Cancer 2008 Oct;99(7):1007-12

The influence of parental history of Alzheimer's disease and apolipoprotein E {varepsilon}4 on the BOLD signal during recognition memory
Xu G, et al.
Brain 2008 Oct

The analysis of genetics and associated autoimmune diseases in Chinese vitiligo patients
Zhang Z, et al.
Arch Dermatol Res 2008 Oct

Familial clustering of Crohn's disease in Israel: Prevalence and association with disease severity
Ben-Horin S, et al.
Inflamm Bowel Dis 2008 Oct

Family history of type 2 diabetes is increased in patients with type 1 diabetes
Barone B, et al.
Diabetes Res Clin Pract 2008 Oct;82(1):e1-4

The effect of parental type 2 diabetes on the offspring with type 1 diabetes
Thorn LM, et al.
Diabetes Care 2008 Oct


 Genetic Testing

Guidance for considering ethical, legal, and social issues in health technology assessment: Application to genetic screening
Potter BK, et al.
Int J Technol Assess Health Care 2008 Fall;24(4):412-22

All in the family: Disclosure of "unwanted" information to an adolescent to benefit a relative
Denny CC, et al.
Am J Med Genet A 2008 Oct


 Genome Wide

Association of three genetic loci with uric acid concentration and risk of gout:  a genome-wide association study
Dehghan A, et al.
Lancet 2008 Sep

A genome-wide association study identifies an association of a common variant in  TERT with susceptibility to idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Mushiroda T, et al.
J Med Genet 2008 Oct;45(10):654-6

HuGE Published Literature [ back to top ]

Articles that report on population prevalence of genotypes, gene-disease associations, gene-environment and gene-gene interactions and evaluation of genetic tests. For more information on HuGE, please visit the HuGENet™ home page

For the week ending October 8, 2008, there are HuGE articles in the following areas:

Gene Variant Frequency
Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases
Mental Disorders
Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs
Diseases of the Circulatory System
Diseases of the Respiratory System
Diseases of the Digestive System
Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue
Congenital Anomalies
Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-defined Conditions
Injury and Poisoning

For more information on HuGE, please visit the HuGENet™ home page

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Page last updated: October 9, 2008
Content Source: National Office of Public Health Genomics