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National Office of Public Health Genomics
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What's New in HuGENet
October 2008

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  HuGE Field Synopses
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HuGENet™ would like to invite researchers to conduct HuGE Field Synopses in their areas of expertise. HuGE Field Synopses provide systematic, updated, and authoritative reviews of genetic associations in a specific area of research such as a disease or closely related health conditions. Authors are encouraged to summarize and grade genetic associations using the interim guidelines for assessing the cumulative evidence on genetic associations developed by HuGENet™. For more information, please review the materials from the HuGENet Workshop, “Networks, Genome-Wide Association Studies, and the Knowledge Base on Genetic Variation and Human Health”


 HuGE Review Update

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One new HuGE Review has been posted on the HuGENet™ Web site since the last issue of the ‘What's New:

In addition, three new HuGE Reviews were registered with HuGENet™:

  • Role of genetic variation and gene-environment interaction in the etiology of neural tube defects: a HuGE field synopsis by Candice Johnson, et al., from Emory University.
  • XRCC1 Genetic Polymorphisms and Prostate Cancer Susceptibility: A HuGENet Systematic Review and Meta-analysis by Hai-feng Zhang, et al., from GuangXi Medical University, China.
  • CD14 Genetic Polymorphism and Ischemic Heart Disease by Hai-feng Zhang, et al., from GuangXi Medical University, China.

We invite authors to write HuGE reviews in their area of expertise. The proposed title, list of co-authors, and author affiliations will be posted on the HuGENet™ web site until the HuGE review is published or for a maximum of one year.

> List of completed HuGE Reviews
> List of HuGE Review topics under development

 HuGENet™ Publications

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The following publications were written by HuGENet™ collaborators:


 Overview of the HuGE Navigator Database
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As of October 20, 2008, the HuGE Navigator non-gov warning icon contains 37,598 research studies, referencing 4,131 genes, and 2,070 health outcomes/diseases. Both epidemiologic studies and review articles can be found in the database which includes 72 HuGE Reviews and 826 meta-analyses.

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Page last updated: October 29, 2008
Content Source: National Office of Public Health Genomics