Home > Depository Administration > FDLP Handbook > Chapter 10: Staffing
Chapter 10: Staffing PDF Print E-mail
Written on Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Last Updated on Thursday, January 08, 2009

Article Index
Chapter 10: Staffing
10.1 What’s New
10.2 Responsible Officials and their Roles
10.3 Staffing Level Recommendations
10.4 Staff Responsibilities
10.5 Training Opportunities
10.6 Tips and Lessons Learned
10.7 You Don't Have to...
10.8 Important
All Pages

10.7 Did you realize that you don't have to....?

  • Determine staffing needs for a depository collection by using an arbitrary standard or measure. Current guidelines simply require that professional and paraprofessional staffing levels MUST be sufficient to meet your depository responsibilities. The number of staff will depend on the size and scope of your larger library and depository collections, as well as the methods of organization of the depository collection.
  • Do it all by yourself, or reinvent the wheel. Collaborate with other depositories on cataloging, collection development, or outreach; consult and seek help from your regional; recruit other staff in the larger library to help with reference services or technical processing; and network with staff in other depositories in every way you can.