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Supporting Literacy Across the Sunshine State

A Study of Florida Middle School Reading Coaches

Cover: Supporting Literacy Across the Sunshine State: A Study of Florida Middle School Reading Coaches

By: Julie A. Marsh, Jennifer Sloan McCombs, J. R. Lockwood, Francisco Martorell, Daniel Gershwin, Scott Naftel, Vi-Nhuan Le, Molly Shea, Heather Barney, Al Crego

Despite recent progress in reading achievement among children in primary grades, many children are not moving beyond basic decoding skills to fluency and comprehension as they go on to higher grades. To address this problem, many policymakers suggest that reading coaches — master teachers who offer ongoing on-site instructional support for teachers — can improve teachers' practice and students' literacy skills. RAND researchers evaluated the middle school reading coach program in Florida to answer these questions: How is the program being implemented by the state, districts, schools, and individual coaches? What is the impact of coaching on teachers' practice and students' achievement in reading and mathematics? What features of reading coach models and practices are associated with better outcomes?

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Paperback Cover Price: $35.00

Discounted Web Price: $31.50

Pages: 268

ISBN/EAN: 9780833045096

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Chapter One:

Chapter Two:
Background on Coaching and Florida's Program

Chapter Three:
Research Questions, Framework, and Methods

Chapter Four:
Implementation of Florida's Coaching Program: District and School Policies

Chapter Five:
Implementation of Florida's Coaching Program: The Day-to-Day Work of Coaches

Chapter Six:
Perceived Influence of the Coach on Teachers, Principals, School Climate, and Students

Chapter Seven:
The Impact of Coaching on Student Achievement

Chapter Eight:
Conclusions and Recommendations

Appendix A:
2006–2007 Florida Reading Coach Position Description

Appendix B:
Data and Modeling in the Statewide Achievement Analysis

Appendix C:
Modeling the Coaching Implementation–Student Achievement Link

The research described in this report was prepared for the Carnegie Corporation of New York and was conducted by RAND Education.

This product is part of the RAND Corporation monograph series. RAND monographs present major research findings that address the challenges facing the public and private sectors. All RAND monographs undergo rigorous peer review to ensure high standards for research quality and objectivity.

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