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CD04-004 Abstracts


1 P30 CD000138-01 - Center for Excellence in Health Promotion Economics

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): RTI International (RTI), in collaboration with the University of North Carolina Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention and Dr. Frank Sloan from Duke University are pleased to submit this application to create an RTI-UNC Center of Excellence in Health Promotion Economics that unites economic theory and methods with health promotion and prevention methods and programs. Our intent is to create a Center that will advance the field of health promotion economics by advancing relevant health economic methods and training economists and public health practitioners in health economics methods. The Center will consist of three Cores. Management of the Center and communications with the CDC will be vested in an Administrative Core. The Economics Core will develop and refine economic methods and applications for health promotion economics. During the first 3 years of the Center, the Economics Core will focus on the economics of chronic diseases. The Translation Core will test economic theory in the context of health promotion, integrate economic tools and methods to ongoing health promotion interventions at UNC and RTI, and promote health economics in public health with dissemination and training activities for the broader public health community. The Economics Core will have the following specific aims: Aim 1. Develop and apply dynamic models for chronic diseases that build on existing epidemiologic data to illustrate how health outcomes and costs change in response to disease progression and changes in health behaviors; Aim 2. Refine cost-effectiveness and cost-of-illness methods for applications in chronic diseases; Aim 3. Study the role of economic incentives, disincentives, and barriers in the promotion of health in chronic diseases; and Aim 4. Advance the development of health promotion economics as an applied field in health economics. The Translation Core will have the following specific aims: Aim 1. Identify interests in and barriers to the application of economics in health promotion among researchers and practitioners; Aim 2. Develop and implement economic tools and toolkits for health promotion programs and interventions; Aim 3. Test economic theory within the context of health promotion of chronic diseases; and Aim 4. Promote health promotion economics in research and practice by developing, implementing, and disseminating salient information about health promotion economics to the public health community.


1 P30 CD000147-01 - Chicago Center of Excellence in Health Promotion Economics

DESCRIPTION (provided by applicant): By applying innovative economic analysis, health promotion tools can be used more effectively to understand: (i) individual behavioral responses to these tools, and (ii) the value associated with these tools. We propose to do this by creating a Chicago Center of Excellence in Health Promotion Economics, building on the University of Chicago's groundbreaking economics research tradition, and enriched by a well-structured partnership with the University of Illinois School of Public Health (UI SPH) and the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Our Scientific Aims are: (1) To develop and apply economic methods to advance knowledge about the role of economic factors in health behaviors; (2) To develop and apply economic methods to advance knowledge about the value of health promotion initiatives; (3) To develop and apply economic methods to advance knowledge about health disparities-namely, their determinants and potential strategies to eliminate them-across racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and geographic dimensions. These scientific aims will be realized through a series of specific aims organized within the context of three cores: an administrative core, an economics core, and a disparities and neighborhoods core. The administrative core will support the effective use of Center resources for research and training, outreach to critical partners (especially including the UI SPH and IDPH), linkage with community constituents, and the dissemination of Center findings. The economics core will support the primary scientific focus of the Center, namely: (i) to develop and apply economic methods to advance knowledge about the role of economic factors in health behaviors; and (ii) to develop and apply economic methods to advance knowledge about the value of health promotion initiatives. The disparities and neighborhoods core will support our third Scientific Aim by studying health disparities by race and socioeconomic status, with a special emphasis on their relation to community and neighborhood factors.



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Page last reviewed: March 31, 2008
Page last modified: July 22, 2008
Content source: Office of the Chief Science Officer (OCSO)