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(Revised December 9, 2005)



 225.901 Policy.
 225.902 Procedures.
 225.903 Exempted supplies.

225.901  Policy.

Unless the supplies are entitled to duty-free treatment under a special category in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (e.g., the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act or a Free Trade Agreement), or unless the supplies already have entered into the customs territory of the United States and the contractor already has paid the duty, DoD will issue duty-free entry certificates for—


      (1)  Qualifying country supplies (end products and components);


      (2)  Eligible products (end products but not components) under contracts covered by the World Trade Organization Government Procurement Agreement or a Free Trade Agreement; and


      (3)  Other foreign supplies for which the contractor estimates that duty will exceed $200 per shipment into the customs territory of the United States.


225.902  Procedures.

Follow the entry and release procedures at PGI 225.902 (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode).


225.903  Exempted supplies.


      (b)(i)  For an explanation of the term “supplies,” see PGI 225.903(b)(i) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode).


              (ii)  The duty-free certificate shall be printed, stamped, or typed on the face of, or attached to, Customs Form 7501.  A duly designated officer or civilian official of the appropriate department or agency shall execute the certificate in the format provided at PGI 225.903(b)(ii) (Pop-up Window or PGI Viewer Mode).


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